সোমবার, ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Give Me 5 Minutes and I'll Help You Become a Better Manifestor ...

(I snapped this shot while touring with Kelli through Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam 2 days ago)

Are you having a tough time manifesting? Are you creating the life of your dreams with the law of attraction?

Attracting your dream life can be difficult. Some LOA buffs skip over critical steps with broad strokes, leading to confusion surrounding the law of attraction and manifesting.

Really...you can be, have or do just about anything...but you need to spend at least 5 minutes each hour or 2 doing one thing.

This one thing requires you to do...nothing.

No...LOA is not about thinking all day long. Nor is it about sitting on your duff. Nor is it about acting all day long either.

One key element most manifestors overlook is so simple, so easy to do...it's really crazy how FEW people do it persistently.

All it takes is...you!

What is it?

Watch as I discuss from Dong Hoi, Vietnam.

Letting go is the most uncomfortable aspect of manifesting. Letting go requires you to trust. To allow the Universe to take over.

Now...we are almost all control freaks. Gotta know how, and when. But you can dissolve this urge, this natural block, if you do one thing persistently.

Meditate for 5 minutes each hour...or every 2 hours. Set an alarm clock. Practice letting go. Practice doing nothing.

Meditating helps you manifest quickly. Why? You let go, completely, and move into the flow of things, and allow the Universe to take over completely.

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In the spaces between your thoughts - occurring during deep meditation - the Universe takes over without ego interference.

No more planning, straining or striving...all actions or feelings which frequently delay the manifesting process.

When the Universe takes over fully your manifesting goes into hyper-drive. No more blocking. Just effortless, God-driven, pure manifesting.

Find a quiet spot. Relax your body. Sit or lie flat on the floor. Focus on your breathing.

If your attention drifts move your focus firmly but gently back to your breathing. Continue for the 5 minute period.

Every 2 hours minimum. Because your feelings are transitory, and most people habitually fight their feelings, resisting, resisting, resisting their emotions...and this resistance creates massive blocks.

These blocks kill your manifesting ability. Dissolve the blocks. Cut through the resistance. Sit persistently.

Sit for 5 minutes every hour or two. Dissolve blocks, allow and become a more adept manifestor.

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Source: http://www.homebasedbusinessprogram.com/xn/detail/2153464%3ABlogPost%3A793879?xg_source=activity

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