বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

After Newtown: Video games, the US military, and America's culture of violence

Whatever else is said about the murder of 20 elementary school children in Newtown, Conn. last year, let no one say ? especially at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on gun control today ? that those killings were ?unimaginable.? Every day, mass killings are imagined, rehearsed, and enacted ? virtually ? by millions of children and young adults, mostly boys and men, in video games like Bioshock 2. That game invites players to murder defenseless, cowering girls at point-blank range or lure them into a trap to mow them down with a machine gun.

Adam Lanza didn?t have to imagine the Sandy Hook massacre on his own. Others had already imagined it for him.

When Wayne LaPierre, head of the National Rifle Association, pointed a finger at video games and media violence during a news conference after the shootings, it was a calculated effort to distract attention from the gun industry and its powerful lobby. As former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly wrote in their USA Today op-ed announcing the launch of their gun-control superPAC, "We saw from the NRA leadership's defiant and unsympathetic response to the Newtown, Conn., massacre that winning even the most common-sense reforms will require a fight."

But Mr. LaPierre was also half right. Glock and Bushmaster give troubled teens and young adults like Lanza the means to kill. But antisocial video games and a wider culture of militarism give them the script.

OPINION: 6 reasons why President Obama will defeat the NRA and win universal background checks

What LaPierre neglected to say is that the arms industry, the video game industry, and the military are deeply entwined with one another and even, one could argue, allied in values. In many ways, their work together is eroding the distinction between virtual and real killing.

During the Iraq War, Marines relaxed after conducting search and destroy missions by playing Call of Duty 4 and CounterStrike, fielding the same weapons and tactics. CIA agents and Air Force personnel today kill real people in distant countries using remotely piloted drones, on interfaces modeled on video games, while US soldiers hone tactical combat skills on video game simulators and use Xbox joysticks to control real machines in the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the video game industry works closely with the military and gun manufacturers to ensure that their virtual weaponry, from the PM-63 submachine gun to the C-130 gunship, behaves just like the real thing. Some game companies have direct contracts with the Department of Defense, manufacturing hardware and software for military applications.

It?s easy to see why the US Army runs recruitment ads in gamer magazines and maintains a popular online game called America?s Army.

While the industry denies any link between violent interactive media and real-world beliefs and behaviors, studies have shown that playing violent video games is associated with higher rates of hostility, more pro-violence attitudes, and a decrease in players? ability to empathize with others, particularly those who are suffering.

Computer video games are in fact the most powerful medium ever devised for altering perception and behavior. That?s why psychologists use them to help patients overcome post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) why pilots are trained on flight simulators, and why the military uses them to train soldiers.

So what does it mean that millions of boys and young men are spending their free time ?training? to kill?

Whether knifing or setting fire to prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto, or mowing down scores of racially stereotyped Arabs in some fictional Middle Eastern country, male video-game players are being taught to associate representations of mass slaughter, torture, and other antisocial acts with play and pleasure. They are being told that to be a ?real? man is to come to others heavily armed.

OPINION: The moral cost of video games

The very idea of moving from room to room with an assault weapon, ?clearing? the room by shooting victims in the head, as Lanza did in Newtown, is a convention of the First Person Shooter video game genre. The first such game, Doom, proved so successful at teaching soldiers how to kill that the Marines quickly adapted it for their training program. Prior to their massacre, the Columbine killers spent countless hours playing and even designing levels on a modified version of the same game.

At his trial last year, Anders Breivik, the Norwegian extremist who murdered 69 people, most of them teenagers, on the island of Utoya, boasted that he had done his weapons training on the military-style First Person Shooter game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which he had played for up to 16 hours a day as ?part of my training-simulation.? The special gun sight Breivik installed on his rifle was the real version of the virtual one he had used in the game.

The Breivik case reveals how narrow the US debate over gun violence really is. Norway has stringent gun control laws, and Breivik did his killing with a hunting rifle, not a semi-automatic assault rifle. So tightening restrictions on guns, in a nation that already has hundreds of millions of them in private hands, is both admirable and arguably beside the point. Banning guns alone won?t address a pervasive culture of militarism and violence ? one that has diminished the ability of children and young adults to distinguish between real and virtual violence, or to care about the difference.

Despite a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2011, which protected commercial video games as free speech, the Newtown massacre has renewed debate in the Congress and White House over what, if anything, should ? or can ? be done to regulate the $60 billion video game industry, the largest media business in the world.

To his credit, President Obama recently ordered more federal research on possible links between violent video games and real-life violence, and asked Congress to fund it. But he declined to take stronger action.

Two weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden, who had earlier expressed concern about violent video games, suddenly backed down, after intense lobbying pressure from the industry. He and others seem to have accepted the industry's position that the research linking violent video games to real violence is too "inconclusive" to justify new legislative action.

The industry is fond of saying that no one has yet been able to prove that a specific act of violence was "caused" by someone playing a video game. However, that's like my claiming that cars don't contribute to global warming, because no one has proved that my own SUV has caused the glaciers on Kilimanjaro to melt. The sources of climate change, and of violence, are in fact multiple. Video games may not cause violence on their own, but they contribute to a culture of violence by modeling antisocial acts and diminishing players' empathic response to others.

They also promote a virulent militarism that subordinates democratic and civic values to a culture of war-making. And here, perhaps, lies the rub. A cynic might ask whether a deliberative body that routinely authorizes billions of dollars for real-world weapons, real-life wars that in just the last decade have left more than 100,000 real people, not virtual ones, dead, is terribly likely to go after an industry that spreads only make-believe violence.

Let us give our elected representatives the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they would. Even so, it is not far-fetched to ask whether our representatives' reluctance to rein in the industry might not stem, at least in part, from their tacit appreciation of how deeply entwined cultures of symbolic violence now are with our national identity and self-understanding as a great military power.

EDITOR'S BLOG: After Aurora: the role of media violence

Yet a nation that lives by the sword dies by it, and it matters less and less whether that sword is virtual or real. So long as America continues socializing its young people in a culture of violence and war, whether in video games or in military campaigns abroad, we are unlikely to see an end to tragedies like Newtown or Aurora.

John Sanbonmatsu teaches a course on the Philosophy and Ethics of Video Games at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he is associate professor of philosophy.

ALSO BY THIS WRITER: We're plugged in ? but checked out

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/newtown-video-games-us-military-americas-culture-violence-155413969--politics.html

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Disney closing 'Epic Mickey' video game developer

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Now it's time to say goodbye to "Epic Mickey."

The interactive division of the Walt Disney Co. announced Tuesday that it is closing Junction Point Studios, its Austin, Texas-based developer that created 2010's "Disney Epic Mickey" and its 2012 sequel "Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two."

Disney said the closure is part of its "effort to address the fast-evolving gaming platforms and marketplace" and to align its resources with its key priorities.

"We're extremely grateful to Warren Spector and the Junction Point team for their creative contributions to Disney with 'Disney Epic Mickey' and 'Disney Epic Mickey 2,'" the studio said in a statement.

Disney acquired Junction Point in 2007. The studio was led by "Deus Ex" and "Thief" creator Warren Spector.

Both "Epic Mickey" games were set in a twisted version of Disneyland called Wasteland and featured Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit as protagonists.

"I said to myself as Junction Point embarked on the 'Epic Mickey' journey that, worst case, we'd be 'a footnote in Disney history,'" Spector posted Monday on Facebook. "Looking back on it, I think we did far better than that. With Mickey Mouse as our hero, we introduced a mainstream audience to some cool 'core game' concepts ? and, most especially, we restored Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to a place of prominence."

The first "Epic Mickey," which was released only for the Nintendo Wii, was the sixth best-selling game the month it was released in 2010. "Epic Mickey 2," which was available for the Wii, as well as the Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360, didn't crack the top 10 when it was released last November, according to gaming industry tracker NPD Group.

Disney unveiled plans earlier this month for a new franchise combining a toy line and a game called "Disney Infinity," similar to "Skylanders" from Activision-Blizzard Inc. "Infinity" is being developed by Disney's Salt Lake City, Utah-based developer Avalanche Software and is set to debut in June alongside "Monsters University," the 3-D prequel to the 2001 Disney-Pixar film "Monsters Inc."


Follow AP Entertainment Writer Derrik J. Lang at http://www.twitter.com/derrikjlang .





Source: http://news.yahoo.com/disney-closing-epic-mickey-video-game-developer-233610144.html


মঙ্গলবার, ২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Fun and educational Android apps for preschoolers

When I purchased my smartphone, I was very hesitant letting my kids play with it. They slowly wore me down and now I have to sometime fend them off just to use it. The Google Play store is filled with tons of educational games for kids for all ages. My next few articles will cover some of the educational games and apps out there for different age groups available for Android devices. Today?s post is all about games for preschoolers.

Kids Preschool Memory Game is just one of many games from Fun4kids for the Android platform. The paid version of the game unlocks four additional games. This simple game focuses on improving your kid?s matching and memory, and doesn?t include any complicated directions. The buttons are big, bright, and colorful.

The free version allows you to play the bear, bird and fruit levels. The pro version has the chicks, fish, penguin, and duck games. The bear game is a 12-tile matching game with fun objects like trucks, robots, rubber duckies and more. The bird game is an 8 -tile matching game with numbers. The fruit game is an 8-tile matching game with different fruits. When you complete a level, you will be given a score but that is not recorded anywhere. Overall, this is a cute game that little kids can play and work on their memory skills.

Every kid loves to color. Toddler Coloring Book is a easy to use coloring app, and the free version comes with four different pictures: spider, snail, cat, and butterfly. To unlock more pictures, you will need to upgrade to the pro version. This free version doesn?t have any ads, so the whole screen is dedicated to coloring. If parents want to upgrade to the pro version, then they will need to push buttons in the proper order (written on the screen), which is nice way to keep kids from accidentally making in-app purchases.

To color in this game, the preschooler simply picks the color they want to use and taps on the area in the picture they want to fill in. There are two color palettes on each side of the screen, and you can unlock more colors by rating the app or completing an offer from one of their sponsors. If your kid wants to change colors, simply tap the new color and tap where to put it, even over a previously colored spot. They will always color within the lines, too!

Save the Fishes is one of many games from Baby Bus. When you open the app, you will see a bright yellow bus and a signpost, which indicates the age group and signs to different types of games. It was a bit confusing to me and would definitely be for a child. ?Save the Fishes is a game about recognition and quick reflexes. The cute little fish are trapped in bubbles and as they rise to the top of the screen, you need to tap them to free them. You will earn points for freeing the fish.

However, you must avoid releasing ?sharks and jellyfish trapped in bubbles. If you do, you will hear ?ouch.? As you progress in the game, more types of fish appear.

Preschool and Kindergarten Learning Games, developed by Kevin Bradford, is a very popular Android game. The free version of the game comes with three levels, while the pro version provides another six. The three game modes--Basics, Language, and Math--will adequately test your preschoolers skill sets.

After you unlock all nine levels, you will be able to cover: Shapes and Colors, Letters, Counting, Memory, Alphabet, Addition, Puzzles, Spelling, and Subtraction. In Shapes and Colors for 2 years olds, the game gives you four options and then asks you to pick the correct object. The option for your child to visualize and hear is a nice combination for teaching colors and shapes.

These are just a few of the many wonderful games for Android for preschooler to play to help them learn. Are there any particular ones you or your children have enjoyed?

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Source: http://www.androidapps.com/education/articles/13173-fun-and-educational-android-apps-for-preschoolers

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সোমবার, ২৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The dead aren't always excused from trial

MOSCOW (AP) ? Sergei Magnitsky died more than three years ago in a Russian jail but authorities are moving to put him on trial in a Russian court. The whistle-blowing lawyer died in 2009 after being arrested on charges of tax fraud ? the same fraud in which he alleged that Interior Ministry officials had a hand.

The Russian government has faced harsh international criticism over its treatment of Magnitsky, and its plan to bring a dead man to trial beginning Feb. 18 can only increase that chorus.

Here's a look at other posthumous trials and actions.


This was a grisly case in which the accused pope's corpse was put on the stand in the so-called Cadaver Synod of 897.

The Catholic cleric had long been involved in internecine church disputes and jockeying for power. One of his predecessors, John VII, accused him of conspiring with others to take the papacy and of trying to become bishop of Bulgaria even though he already held another bishopric. Formosus eventually was elected pope in 891 and served until his death in 896, but the previous quarrels had festered. His successor revived the charges and ordered that Formosus' corpse be exhumed and brought to the papal court for judgment.

Formosus was found guilty of perjury and violating canon law; some accounts say three fingers of his right hand, which were used in consecration, were cut off. Two subsequent popes annulled the Cadaver Synod, but Pope Sergius III reaffirmed the conviction.


The teenage French peasant girl who claimed divine guidance and led the French army to victories in Hundred Years War was tried for heresy and burned at the stake in 1431. But a quarter-century later, Pope Callixtus III ordered a new trial after requests by Joan's mother and a French official. The proceedings described her as a martyr and said she was falsely convicted. She was canonized as a saint in 1920.


As a towering figure in 17th century England, Cromwell attracted wide enmity -- signing the death warrant for King Charles I, taking harsh measures against Catholics and demonstrating brutal military brilliance. The resentment was such that although he never faced trial dead or alive, he did suffer a posthumous "execution." In 1661, after royalists returned to power, Cromwell's corpse was exhumed and decapitated, and his head was displayed on a pole for years.


Bormann, the personal secretary to Adolf Hitler, was tried in absentia at the Nuremberg tribunal and sentenced to death ? which in the end proved to be superfluous. At the time of the 1946 trial, the whereabouts of the powerful Nazi official were unknown ? and for decades after the war he was considered one of the most-wanted Nazi war criminals.

In 1972, during construction work in downtown Berlin, bones were unearthed that were identified as having belonged to Bormann through dental records. The location fit with an account that Bormann had committed suicide to avoid falling into enemy hands as he attempted to flee Berlin in the final days of the war in May 1945.

But rumors persisted that Bormann had found his way to South America until DNA tests done in 1998 conclusively proved that the remains in Berlin were those of Bormann.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dead-arent-always-excused-trial-152356308--finance.html

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রবিবার, ২৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Team flag waves as 49ers arrive for Super Bowl

San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh talks with reporters during a news conference on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in New Orleans. The 49ers will face the Baltimore Ravens in the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game on Feb. 3. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh talks with reporters during a news conference on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in New Orleans. The 49ers will face the Baltimore Ravens in the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game on Feb. 3. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

A flag is seen outside the plane carrying the San Francisco 49ers as they arrive at the Louis Armstrong International Airport for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh makes a face on the team bus after arriving at the Louis Armstrong International Airport for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Pat Semansky)

The San Francisco 49ers arrive at the Louis Armstrong International Airport for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Street performer Ruben Moten, a San Francisco native, wears a San Francisco 49ers visor as he performs as a robot on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, in New Orleans. The 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens are scheduled to play in the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game on Feb. 3. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

(AP) ? Jim Harbaugh stepped to the podium, smirked a bit, and greeted his first news conference as a Super Bowl coach.

"We're super happy to be here," he said Sunday night as his NFC champion San Francisco 49ers arrived in the Big Easy for the big game.

"I think this team has the best focus on unity and winning I've ever been a part of."

Considering that Harbaugh was an NFL quarterback for 14 seasons and a successful college coach before joining the 49ers, he knows something about winning.

Under Harbaugh, San Francisco has been to two NFC title games and, now, to its first Super Bowl in 18 years. The Niners (13-4-1) will play Baltimore (13-6), coached by Harbaugh's older brother, John, in next Sunday's Super Bowl.

He is certain his team is ready for the task as the 49ers seek their sixth Vince Lombardi Trophy; they are 5-0 in Super Bowls.

"These are uncharted waters for a rookie Super Bowl coach," Harbaugh said. "But that's exciting. It's a great thrill, and we have a desire to be in uncharted waters. We always strive for that kind of challenge."

Earlier in the evening, with a team flag waving from an open window of their chartered plane, the 49ers arrived in a businesslike manner. The players calmly walked off the airplane ? no video recorders or cameras, no waves to onlookers.

Most of the team's veteran players disembarked first, including center Jonathan Goodwin, who won a Super Bowl three years ago with the Saints.

"You get to go to the Super Bowl with your childhood team, so that's something special to me," he said. "So hopefully I can find a way to win the Super Bowl with my childhood team."

Quarterback Colin Kaepernick, wearing a red wool cap sporting "49ers" on it, mouthed the words to a song on his headphones as he walked on the tarmac.

He seemed just as relaxed 90 minutes later as he met the media.

"Pressure comes from a lack of preparation," said Kaepernick, who took over as the starter when Alex Smith got a concussion in November and has been sensational in keeping the job. "This is not a pressure situation. It's a matter of going out and performing."

Harbaugh said the 49ers came to New Orleans on Sunday to simulate a normal week. He likened their trip to his strategy the last two seasons when the 49ers spent a week in Youngstown, Ohio, between Eastern games rather than return to the Bay Area.

He liked the way the players and coaches bonded during that experience.

"Same approach," Harbaugh said. "Enjoy the moment and the preparation. I think our team enjoys that the most: the meetings, the preparation and then, especially, the competition."


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Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2013-01-27-Super%20Bowl-49ers%20Arrive/id-0d841cfc10da4568ad5f4ebb42b8bd84

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Israel leader seeks wide coalition to face threats

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly Cabinet meeting at his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads the weekly Cabinet meeting at his Jerusalem office, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

(AP) ? Israel's prime minister says he wants to build a broad governing coalition to face serious security threats to Israel, including Syria's chemical weapons and Iran's nuclear program.

Benjamin Netanyahu told his outgoing Cabinet Sunday that Israel must be ready for any development in the turbulent region.

Netanyahu's ticket won the most seats in last week's parliamentary election, meaning he will likely serve another term as prime minister. But with his traditional hardline and religious allies holding only a slim majority in parliament, Netanyahu has reached out to centrist parties in hopes of building a broad coalition.

On the occasion of international Holocaust Remembrance Day, Netanyahu called Iran the world's leading Holocaust denier. He accused Tehran of seeking to destroy the Jewish state, and said Israel takes the threats seriously.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-01-27-ML-Israel-Politics/id-b6e3e6f20f984401a4b36940ae40b3b9

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শনিবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

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Venezuela's Chavez in "best moment" since surgery: VP Maduro

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is in his "best moment" since undergoing cancer surgery in Cuba 45 days ago, the vice president said on Saturday, adding Chavez has made important economic decisions to strengthen exports.

"He's got a smile that's filled with light, his thoughts are illuminated," said Nicolas Maduro in televised comments just after midnight after returning from a visit with Chavez.

The normally garrulous president has not been heard from since a complex operation on December 11. Official statements in recent weeks have sounded upbeat about his condition following rumors that he is gravely ill.

The communication minister on Saturday is scheduled to provide more details about Chavez's condition and treatment.

Maduro's comments about economic policy come amid widespread speculation that Venezuela is preparing a devaluation of the bolivar currency that would improve state finances by providing more bolivars per dollar of oil exports.

Devaluing would make exports more competitive by lowering local production costs, and spur domestic industries by making imports less competitive with respect to local goods.

"We're going to develop our economy's capacity to export," Maduro said.

Business leaders have for weeks said a devaluation is necessary to ease periodic product shortages that have resulted from a scarcity of dollars.

(Reporting by Brian Ellsworth)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/venezuelas-chavez-best-moment-since-surgery-vp-maduro-060434274.html

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Venezuela VP: ailing Chavez in 'best moment'

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's condition has improved and he is now optimistic as he faces more treatment following cancer surgery, his vice president said Saturday.

Vice President Nicolas Maduro said after meeting with Chavez in Cuba that the ailing president is now "in the best moment we've seen him in these days of struggle" following his Dec. 11 cancer surgery. Chavez hasn't appeared or spoken publicly since before the operation, and his government has said he suffered complications including a severe respiratory infection but has recently been improving.

Maduro spoke on state television early Saturday after returning from Havana to Venezuela. He said he was leaving shortly for a summit meeting in Chile with a written message from Chavez.

"We're taking a message prepared by the president, and we're going to turn it over to heads of state who attend the CELAC summit. He makes fundamental proposals," Maduro said, adding that the message was in Chavez's handwriting.

Maduro said Chavez also sent a message for Venezuelans, including that he was "very optimistic" about his treatment. Maduro said Chavez is "hanging on to Christ and to life."

Maduro said Chavez also urged his supporters in Venezuela to be alert about opponents seeking to do harm to his socialist-oriented "revolution." However, Maduro didn't elaborate.

The vice president, whom Chavez designated as his successor before the operation, spoke on television surrounded by officials including Defense Minister Diego Molero and Information Minister Ernesto Villegas. Maduro said Villegas would give a more detailed update on Chavez's health later Saturday.

Chavez has undergone repeated surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatment for an unspecified type of pelvic cancer. He has undergone much of his treatment in Cuba.

The 58-year-old president won re-election in October, and lawmakers indefinitely put off his inauguration earlier this month in a decision that was condemned by opponents but upheld by the Supreme Court.

The vice president said, without giving details, that Chavez "has reviewed and evaluated reports on different areas and has made decisions."

He also said Chavez had signed documents related to economic issues, as well as one about the selection of his socialist party's candidates for mayoral elections later this year. The vice president showed the signature in red ink.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/venezuela-vp-ailing-chavez-best-moment-072401926.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Asheville Business Blog: Local marketers pull together to help ...

Two local direct marketing companies are teaming up.? Joe and Annamarie Jakubielski, publishers of Hometown Value Guide and Diane Sparks and Bob Perlstein, owners of You Get We Give announce a local strategic alliance to support merchants, residents and local nonprofits.? Perlstein and Jakubielski decided to partner to promote their direct marketing programs as they both agree, ?that direct marketing is an effective method to acquire new customers for Asheville's local merchants.? It's 100% measurable, totally targeted and can be cost effective."

Selecting the right promotional media can be overwhelming and many small businesses find themselves in an ?either/or? position.? This partnership opens up an opportunity to take a multi-channel approach and at the same time benefit local nonprofits.? Both marketers will donate a percentage of revenue from each media sale.?

Hometown Value Guide, in its ninth year of publishing, is a targeted direct mail magazine mailed to 55,000 local residents containing discounts and savings from local businesses.? You Get We Give is Asheville's local deal marketing company offering deals from local merchants while giving back a percentage of sales to local nonprofits.

Source: http://blog.ashevillechamber.org/2013/01/local-marketers-pull-together-to-help.html

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EQT Q4 profit plummets on low natural gas prices

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Natural gas company EQT Corp. posted sharply lower net income for the fourth quarter because natural gas prices fell, but strong sales and an increase in gas reserves buoyed shares Thursday.

Net income for the fourth quarter fell 47 percent to $48 million on revenue of $490 million. When adjusted to remove the effect of an interest rate hedge and expenses relating to the sale of a retail division, the company earned 48 cents per share for the quarter.

Analysts polled by FactSet expected the company to earn an adjusted 44 cents per share on sales of $423 million.

EQT shares rose $1.28, or 2.2 percent, to $60.90 in afternoon trading.

A boom in U.S. natural gas production and mild winter temperatures that reduced heating demand have increased supplies of natural gas, and lowered prices.

For the quarter, the company's revenue per thousand cubic feet of gas fell 16 percent from $5.22 to $4.39. For the full year, average prices fell 21 percent, the company said.

Company revenue for the year was flat compared with 2011 at $1.6 billion. The company's net income fell 62 percent to $183 million. The company's results were inflated in 2011, however, because of sales of a pipeline and processing center.

After adjusting for these one-time items, the company's per share earnings fell 32 percent to $1.49, from $2.19.

But for the year the company's natural gas production rose 33 percent to a record 256 billion cubic feet, driven by an 85 percent increase in production from the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania.

The company's proved reserves of natural gas ? an important indication of what the company can hope to produce in the future ? increased 12 percent to 6 trillion cubic feet.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eqt-q4-profit-plummets-low-203105226.html

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Gold hits nearly 2-week low as econ data saps demand

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Gold hit its lowest level in nearly two weeks on Friday, after upbeat data from the world's top economies suggested a global recovery is gaining traction, sapping demand for the metal.

Spot gold is the only precious metal in the red so far this year, down 0.4 percent from the end of 2012, while precious metals with industrial applications, including silver, platinum and palladium, have all risen in tandem with investor confidence in the economy.

Manufacturing in China and the United States grew this month at the fastest pace in about two years, while data suggesting German growth picked up boosted hopes for a swifter euro zone recovery.

Together with data showing a five-year low in U.S. jobless claims last week, the data sent Standard & Poor's 500 index to a seven straight session of gains on Thursday.

"It now seems that the stronger tone in global equity markets, coupled with a notable easing in European and US market tensions, is leading to short-term pressure on gold," said Ed Meir, an analyst at INTL FCStone, in a research note.

"We think (this) will continue for a little while longer given that negative chart picture are also contributing to the sloppier tone," he said.

Spot gold fell to $1,663.11 an ounce, its lowest in nearly two weeks. By 0320 GMT, it pared losses to trade flat at $1,667.44, headed for a weekly decline of nearly 1 percent, its sharpest loss in about a month.

U.S. gold inched down 0.2 percent to $1,667.30.

Though the 200-day moving average, at just below $1,663, provided some support for spot gold, technical analysis suggested that prices could test the lower level of $1,661, and possibly ease to the January 4 low of $1,625.79 over the next four weeks.

The price slump has triggered some physical buying interest, but many buyers were holding the purse strings on the sidelines of the market, with hopes that prices would further decline.

"There aren't too many orders, because prices are not low enough," said a Singapore-based dealer, expecting a further drop to $1,635 level to be a bigger draw to buyers.

Supportive of gold prices, Russia's central bank said it will continue to buy gold as it seeks to diversify its foreign reserves away from paper assets it views as risky.

Spot platinum inched up 0.2 percent to $1,680.99, on course for a 0.8-percent weekly gain, extending its winning streak to a fourth week, its longest in a year.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/gold-hits-nearly-2-week-low-econ-data-080521749--finance.html

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Wall Street up on tech earnings, S&P index knocks on 1,500

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks advanced on Wednesday, with the S&P 500 inching up for a sixth day in a row, as stronger-than-expected profits at IBM and Google helped alleviate investor concerns about the tech sector.

IBM's and Google's earnings, released after Tuesday's close, come on the heels of stronger U.S. economic data, which have pushed the Dow and S&P 500 to five-year highs, and as worries about tackling the U.S. budget deficit have been put off for now.

Shares in IBM Corp , the world's largest technology services company, climbed 4.9 percent to $205.65, in their largest advance since July, providing the biggest boost to the Dow.

Also helping the tech sector was a 6.2 percent jump in Google Inc to $746.69. The Internet search company reported its core business outpaced expectations and revenue was higher than expected.

The S&P technology sector <.splrct> rose 1.3 percent.

Worries about the profit potential in the tech sector had grown on concerns of waning demand for Apple Inc's products and a weak outlook from Intel Corp last week.

"Company fundamentals are improving, but no one wants to be too aggressive. It's like we're waiting for another shoe to drop with earnings, but the shoe isn't dropping," said David Porter, managing partner at Baystate Financial in Boston.

LED maker Cree Inc jumped 22.8 percent to $41.11 after it forecast a higher-than-expected third-quarter profit, and reported results above analysts' estimates.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> rose 71.61 points or 0.52 percent, to 13,783.82, the S&P 500 <.spx> gained 2.62 points or 0.18 percent, to 1,495.18 and the Nasdaq Composite <.ixic> added 12.68 points or 0.4 percent, to 3,155.86.

The S&P 500 index is on track to rise for a sixth straight day and is nearing 1,500, a level last reached December 12, 2007.

Thomson Reuters data through Wednesday showed that of the 99 S&P 500 companies that have reported earnings so far, 67.7 percent have topped expectations, above the 65 percent average beat over the past four quarters.

McDonald's edged up 0.6 percent to $93.52 after reporting a rise in fourth-quarter earnings, lifted by an increase in same-store sales. Fellow Dow component United Technology Corp's earnings fell from the prior year, hurt by large restructuring charges. Its shares rose 0.6 percent to $87.99.

Upscale leather goods maker Coach Inc plunged 15.7 percent to $51.18 as the S&P's worst performer after reporting sales that missed expectations.

After the market closes, investors will scour Apple's results, with the options market bracing for a big move in Apple shares after its earnings amid a dramatic plunge in recent weeks of shares of the world's most valuable publicly traded company. Apple shares rose on Tuesday 1.1 percent to $510.54.

Overall, S&P 500 fourth-quarter earnings rose 2.8 percent, according to Thomson Reuters data. That estimate is above the 1.9 percent forecast at the start of earnings season.

Clearing a market hurdle, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Republican-led plan to extend the country's borrowing authority until May 19. This delays a confrontation in Congress similar to one in 2011, which generated a stalemate that triggered the first ever U.S. debt rating downgrade.

(Reporting by Rodrigo Campos, additional reporting by Ryan Vlastelica; Editing by Kenneth Barry)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/stock-index-futures-signal-lower-wall-street-open-092452912--finance.html

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PM outlines guidelines for Thailand&#39;s economy - Economics ...

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today announced a package of national strategies to move the country forward for sustainable growth and readiness to be integrated into the Southeast Asian economic region.

She met with provincial governors and senior officials to confer the government?s policy and work on budget allocations for the 2014 fiscal year.

In a four-point strategy to herald Thailand?s arrival at a new era, Ms Yingluck urged the public sector to strengthen Thailand?s competitive edge to lift the country from low-income to middle-income levels, and minimise disparity in society to create equal opportunity.


She said the government emphasises growth on the quality-of-life and environmentally-friendly basis, as well as development of state administrative system.

The strategies will sustainably move the country in accord with His Majesty the King?s sufficient economy initiatives, she said.

The premier said taking the helm of Thailand in over a year has been challenging given internal and external factors, including volatile economy and international relations particularly with Europe which signifies democracy and equality.

?The country?s economy has been imbalance and society lacked management. Cooperative and integrated management in the public sector has quickly revitalised the economy, contributing to a national reserve of 48 per cent which is higher than earlier predicted while this year?s GDP is forecast at 5.5 per cent,?

said Ms Yingluck.

She added that inflation is back to normal at 3 per cent while the government successfully alleviated the deficit which was recorded at Bt400 billion in the past.

Public debt is at 43.9 per cent which is much better than the situation in many countries in the region, she said. (MCOT online news)

via PM outlines directives for Thailand?s prosperity | MCOT.net.

Ms. Yingluck pointed out that Thailand was lacking behind in competitiveness as previous governments did not encourage large scale investments in the country?s infrastructure. In the past, she said, infrastructural investments were launched following a year-by-year budget planning, not on a sustainable basis. In addition, Ms. Yingluck said, her 16-point urgent policy, funded by the budgets allocated during the 2012 to 2013 fiscal years, has progressed as planned.

The Premier boasted the flood relief program, the minimum wage rise, tourism growth and the first car policy among other projects that her government has succeeded in.

She also claimed that investor confidence rose during the period mentioned as tax collections exceeded the target. The number of foreign direct investments in Thailand rose by 2,500 last year compared to the year earlier.

Ms. Yingluck said she is confident that the government will achieve a better economic growth rate within the first 6 months of this year. According to her, there is also sufficient capital reserve to sustain economic expansion.

She speculated Thailand?s GDP to reach 5.5% this year while the inflation rate will rise to no more than 3% of the GDP. The Ministries of Commerce and Finance have been tasked with keeping the inflation rate under control.

Source: http://thailand-business-news.com/economics/44117-thai-pm-outlines-guidelines-for-thailands-economy

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BMW i3 Electric Car: Motorcycle Engine Range-Extender For 250 ...

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If you're a fan of electric cars, there's a fair chance BMW's i3 urban electric car is one of the vehicles you're most looking forward to in 2013.

When it goes on sale in the fourth quarter of 2013, it's set to be one of the most advanced vehicles on the road--not least for its lightweight carbon-fiber reinforced plastic chassis.

BMW is also releasing further details on the range-extended option for the i3, allowing drivers just that little extra range for longer trips.

The company hinted a while back that the gasoline-aided version of the i3 would use a twin-cylinder motorcycle engine.

The tiny unit, expected to be an inline-twin of around 600cc, will have no mechanical connection to the wheels, and will be used to turn a generator, extending the car's range once the battery has reached a lower limit.

Automotive News reports the car's range is expected to be around 250 miles, including the 60-90 miles possible on the car's battery pack. It'll lie under the rear deck, in the same compartment as the car's electric drive motor.

If 250 miles doesn't sound like a lot, then that's still more than most owners are likely to need, according to BMW.

"I imagine many buyers will order the range extender to cure their range anxiety, discovering later they need it very seldom," said BMW R&D cheif Herbert Diess.

Drivers of the Chevrolet Volt, another range-extended electric vehicle, will no doubt agree--63 percent of miles traveled by Volt drivers are on electric power alone--despite an all-electric range around the 40-mile mark.

The BMW's range-extender is unlikely to be a straight carry-over from one of the company's motorcycles, however.

Due to strict targets for noise, vibration and harshness, it's likely that BMW will heavily modify the engine for its intended purpose, and optimize it for the constant speeds needed for optimum efficiency.

BMW hasn't yet revealed pricing for the i3 or range-extended i3, but both will appear on sale together at the end of 2013.


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Source: http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1081850_bmw-i3-electric-car-motorcycle-engine-range-extender-for-250-mile-range

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Voice actor for Charlie Brown arrested in Calif.

SAN DIEGO (AP) ? The man who was the voice of Charlie Brown in several "Peanuts" television shows was charged Wednesday with stalking and threatening his former girlfriend and a plastic surgeon who gave her a breast enhancement he apparently didn't like.

Peter Robbins pleaded not guilty Wednesday in San Diego Superior Court to two counts of stalking and 10 counts of making criminal threats.

Prosecutors said the 56-year-old voice actor best known for his portrayal of Charlie Brown on the TV special "A Charlie Brown Christmas" repeatedly threatened his former girlfriend, calling her as many as 37 times in a 24-hour period on her cellphone and telling her he would kill her and her son if she did not give back his dog and car.

Prosecutors said he also threatened the plastic surgeon in the coastal city of Carlsbad, calling her office so many times she moved to a hotel temporarily out of fear for her life and hired an armed guard outside her clinic. Authorities said Robbins paid for the breast enhancement and was demanding his money back after they broke up, according to the criminal complaint.

On Dec. 31, Robbins allegedly confronted his former girlfriend in a hotel room, beating his dog and telling her he would not stop hurting the animal and would kill her if she did not get a refund for the surgery, Deputy District Attorney Elizabeth McClutchey told the judge in arguing that bail be increased to $550,000. McClutchey said he then grabbed his ex-girlfriend by the neck and shoved her against the door before fleeing.

Prosecutors also told the judge that Robbins had recently purchased a gun and had been practicing at a shooting range. San Diego Superior Court Judge David M. Szumowski agreed to up the bail from $50,000 to $550,000.

Robbins was arrested Sunday at the San Ysidro Port of Entry after authorities doing a background check upon his return from Mexico spotted a warrant from the San Diego County Sheriff's Department.

Robbins was best known for his performance as the voice of Charlie Brown on "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."

Defense Attorney Marc S. Kohnen told the judge the bail was set too high for a man with no prior criminal record, who has lived in San Diego County for 30 years and whose work is watched by so many children to this day. He called him a "distraught man" and said "this is not a stalking case" but declined to comment on what led to his arrest.

"Mr. Robbins is an eccentric individual," Kohnen told reporters after the arraignment. "He's not a threat to society."

If convicted, he would face a maximum sentence of up to nine years in prison, prosecutors said.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-01-23-US-Peanuts-Voice-Actor-Arrest/id-f6f08a0199b44e5bbb7829dd700d633e

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Farming injustice: end all trade with Israeli agricultural companies

22 January 2013?| Palestinian agriculture organisations, Occupied Palestine

Palestinian agricultural organisations and the Palestinian BDS Nationalbds Committee call for the launching of worldwide campaigns on February 9 against Israeli agricultural export corporations in light of their deep complicity in Israel?s ongoing violations of international law and Palestinian human rights. Following the successful campaign against Israel?s former leading agricultural export corporation Agrexco, and in light of the growing international consensus on the duty to enforce an effective ban on trade with the illegal Israeli settlements, we invite social movements, nongovernmental organisations, trade unions and human rights campaigners to take creative and effective action on February 9th in support of Palestinian farmers defending their land and natural resources.

The sale and purchase of goods from Israeli agricultural companies, such as Mehadrin and Hadiklaim, finance and reward the on-going illegal Israeli exploitation and colonisation of Palestinian land and further undermine the chances for a just peace based on international law and respect for universal human rights. As was demonstrated in the struggle to end apartheid in South Africa and the wide international solidarity movement with it, citizens can make a difference by refraining from buying products of complicit companies and by working to convince their supermarkets to stop trading with them.

Agriculture is a vital part of the Palestinian economy and national heritage, yet Palestinian farmers are being displaced from their lands and prevented from accessing it. Israel systematically exploits Palestinian natural resources in violation of international law and implements a range of restrictions on Palestinian agriculture in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, while allowing Israeli agricultural corporations to profit from Israel?s illegal settlement enterprise.

As Palestinian agricultural organisations have noted, Israeli agricultural export companies are at the heart of Israel?s system of domination over the Palestinian people. They are an integral component of the on-going process of colonisation and environmental destruction of Palestinian land, the destruction of Palestinian agriculture, the theft of water, and the abuse of Palestinian workers? rights, including child labourers.

Supermarkets should follow the lead of the Co-Operative Group in the UK, which has pledged to end trade with any company exporting goods from illegal Israeli settlements. Governments must meet their legal and moral obligation to take action in support of Palestinian self-determination and ban all forms of trade and cooperation with Israeli agricultural export companies complicit in the illegal settlement enterprise. People of conscience around the world can make sure such measures are taken. We count on your support to end business as usual with Israel?s agricultural companies as a contribution to our struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

Endorsed by:

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee
General Union of Palestinian Peasants and Cooperatives
Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees
Palestinian Farmers Union
Popular Struggle Coordination Committee
Stop the Wall
Union of Agricultural Work Committees
Union of Palestinian Agriculture Engineers

Please contact?info@bdsmovement.net?to let us know about your planned campaigns and actions or to discuss your ideas.

Source: http://palsolidarity.org/2013/01/farming-injustice-end-all-trade-with-israeli-agricultural-companies/

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