বুধবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Scientists image brain structures that deteriorate in Parkinson's

ScienceDaily (Nov. 26, 2012) ? A new imaging technique developed at MIT offers the first glimpse of the degeneration of two brain structures affected by Parkinson's disease.

The technique, which combines several types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), could allow doctors to better monitor patients' progression and track the effectiveness of potential new treatments, says Suzanne Corkin, MIT professor emerita of neuroscience and leader of the research team. The first author of the paper is David Ziegler, who received his PhD in brain and cognitive sciences from MIT in 2011.

The study, appearing in the Nov. 26 online edition of the Archives of Neurology, is also the first to provide clinical evidence for the theory that Parkinson's neurodegeneration begins deep in the brain and advances upward.

"This progression has never been shown in living people, and that's what was special about this study. With our new imaging methods, we can see these structures more clearly than anyone had seen them before," Corkin says.

Parkinson's disease currently affects 1 to 2 percent of people over 65, totaling five million people worldwide. The disease gradually destroys the brain cells that control movement, leaving most patients wheelchair-bound and completely dependent on caregivers. "A major obstacle to research on the causes and progression of this disease has been a lack of effective brain imaging methods for the areas affected by the disease," Ziegler says.

In 2004, Heiko Braak, an anatomist at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, classified Parkinson's disease into six stages, based on the appearances of the affected brain structures. He proposed that during the earliest stages, a structure deep inside the brain, known as the substantia nigra, begins to degenerate. This structure is critical for movement and also plays important roles in reward and addiction.

Later, Braak proposed, degeneration spreads outward to a brain region known as the basal forebrain. This area, located behind the eyes, includes several structures that produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter important for learning and memory.

Neuropathologists (scientists who study the brains of deceased patients) had found evidence for this sequence of events, but it had never been observed in living patients because the substantia nigra, deep within the brain, is so difficult to image with conventional MRI.

To overcome that, the MIT team used four types of MRI scans, each of which uses slightly different magnetic fields, generating different images. By combining these scans, the researchers created composite images of each patient's brain that clearly show the substantia nigra and basal forebrain. "Our new MRI methods provide an unparalleled view of these two structures, allowing us to calculate the precise volumes of each structure," Ziegler says.

After scanning normal brains, the researchers studied 29 early-stage Parkinson's patients. They found significant loss of volume in the substantia nigra early on, followed by loss of basal forebrain volume later in the disease, as predicted by Braak.

The findings appear to correlate with the appearance of symptoms in Parkinson's patients, says Joel Perlmutter, a professor of neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine. "This suggests that two different systems of the brain -- one dopaminergic and associated with motor control, and one cholinergic and associated with cognitive function -- have different timing," Perlmutter says.

In future studies, this MRI technique could be used to follow patients over time and measure whether degeneration of the two areas is correlated or if they deteriorate independently of one another, Corkin says.

This approach could also give doctors a new way to monitor how their patients are responding to treatment, she says. (Most patients are treated with dopamine, which helps to overcome the loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra.) Researchers could also use the new imaging tools to determine the effects of potential new treatments.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. David A. Ziegler et al. Substantia Nigra Volume Loss Before Basal Forebrain Degeneration in Early Parkinson DiseaseSubstantia Nigra Volume Loss and Parkinson Disease. Archives of Neurology, 2012; : 1 DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2013.597

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_health/~3/wvSXLOPJlIw/121126164306.htm

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Stacie Laughton, Transgender New Hampshire State Representative, Asked To Resign After Fraud Revelation

Nashua Patch:

House Majority Leader Pete Silva, R-Nashua, is calling on newly elected State Rep. Stacie Laughton, D-Nashua, to resign her post after "not coming clean" with constituents about her past conviction for credit card fraud, for which she served four months in Belknap County House of Corrections.

That news came over the weekend in a story published by the Laconia Daily Sun. The Daily Sun's Gail Ober, who wrote the story, said that while Laughton's criminal history was well known in Laconia, she was unaware Laughton was running for office in Nashua until after the election results came in.

Read the whole story at Nashua Patch

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/26/stacie-laughton-transgender-state-rep-fraud_n_2193820.html

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

The Family Tree

?Steve, please get the Christmas decorations out of the attic. Now.?

The response from the recliner in the other room was very unChristmas-like.

?Bah humbug,? a man?s voice growled.

It was the annual battle of their marriage. ?Judy Gibson loved decorating for Christmas. Her husband loved watching football.

?Why are we putting up a tree anyway? The kids are gone. They live out of state. ?We?re flying out to see them this year.? ?Steve knew the answer, but picked at his wife anyway.

Judy quietly shook her head. ?Married to Steve for nearly 40 years, she closed her eyes and remembered their wedding. The base chapel had been decorated for Advent. ?She could still smell the fresh-cut cedar branches and see the burning candles. ?And there was Steve, standing proudly at the alter in his Naval uniform, weighing maybe 160 lbs. ? Steve was like a tree now; you could cut him in half and count forty rings from where he had put on weight over the years. Judy remembered their honeymoon at Biltmore House in Asheville. The Vanderbilt?s mansion was so beautifully decorated for the holidays. Being a young girl from Mississippi, she had never seen a house that big. ?Something about the mountains, the trees and the Christmas ornaments touched her heart. When she saw the banquet room and its big tree, she vowed they would always have a great tree, too.

Father Noel?s Tree Farm had provided their one. ?Steve struggled to strap it to the top of their Chevrolet Impala wagon. ?She remembered it looking like a walking tree as he hauled it into their one-bedroom apartment on base. ?They were so poor the only ornaments they had were ribbon ornaments made from a red and white checkered table cloth. ?Hot lights and reflectors illuminated the dry tree. It was a miracle they didn?t burn base housing down.

It was 1972. ?And since there was little Peace on Earth and Goodwill to man, Steve had been overseas for most of the year. ?That fall, he brought back ornaments from all his ports of call. ?And then they took a trip to Hawaii. That December, their new tree had five new ornaments to join the ribbons. ?Her favorite was the palm tree with the lady with the ukelele. She could almost hear Don Ho singing ?Tiny Bubbles? when she saw it at the tacky little souvenir shop.

The next Christmas Steve and Judy had a new member of the family. ?Frances May Gibson was born nine months after their trip to Hawaii and the new tree had a new ornament as well. It was a wooden stork with the time, date and weight of the new baby. ?The next two trees found two more storks joining Frances May?s. ?Steve Jr. and Albert Frances were now part of ?the young family.

Steve was promoted to a command position on the U.S.S. Enterprise and soon a small aircraft carrier ornament joined the storks and the ribbons. ?Judy diligently saved up Green Stamps and bought a set of beautiful gold glass ball ornaments. Those were bought when they lived in Norfolk, Virginia. ?There was a Norfolk ornament, too. ?Every town they lived in would have its own ornament. Like in their heart, it would have a special place in their tree.

The next year, Frances May came home with a special ornament made in preschool. ?It was made from a margarine lid, red construction paper and a photo of her ponytailed, tooth-missing freckled face. ?Each kid would come home with similar ornaments over the years. And each would have its own place on the tree.

The next summer found the Gibsons headed to Disney World. ?Most folks would have pitied the couple hauling the three kids around the Magic Kingdom. But Judy and Steve were having as much fun as the kids. ?Judy saved up her spare change and bought a beautiful globe with Cinderella?s castle on it. ?Mickey himself would have been proud of the place of honor given to the ornament.

In the mid-1980?s Steve came home from a cruise with a big box. ??I saw this and had to get it for you.? ?Judy unwrapped the golden paper and saw the most beautiful angel she had ever seen. ?I thought she looked like you,? Steve grinned. He climbed up the stepladder and proudly placed it on the top of the tree.

Steve and Judy had a little cat named Nixon when they were married. ?Nixon had his ornament. ?Nixon was soon joined by a terrier-mix named Snowflake. ?She had her own ornament, too. Nixon tragically was hit by a Captain?s car on a rainy November night. ?Snowflake died of old age and soon a small puppy named Lady Bird joined the family. The pets were well represented with ornaments. So were all the trips Steve and Judy took around the world. Barcelona, Paris, New York, Washington D.C., London all hung on their family. Steve liked the little Eiffel Tower. ? It reminded of them holding hands during their strolls down the busy Paris streets.

Tragedy struck the family in 1992. ? Albert, their youngest, died in a car accident on the way to The University of Maryland. ?Judy?s hand shook uncontrollably as she hung his ornaments on the tree the following Christmas. Steve had not wanted to put up the tree. He felt that they should cancel Christmas and take the family as far away from their home as possible. But Judy insisted the tree be put up. ?Seeing the ornaments hang on the conifer?s branches healed her battered soul. ?She stretched out on the floor every night, staring at the tree and cried.

Soon there were ornaments with college mascots, wedding photos and birth announcements. Grandchildren?s favorite toys hung from the branches. ?The joy of the early 1970?s returned as the little kids stared in awe at the giant tree covered with ornaments. ?Judy loved the tell the kids the stories behind every single one of them.

In 2005, Steve retired as a Rear Admiral. ?A single star hung from a branch signifying his distinguished naval career. ?Judy survived a bout with breast cancer earlier that year and a pink ribbon was placed on the tree. ?They continued to travel. ?Ornaments from towns from far across the nation soon joined the tree. They were where their children now lived. The tree and the memories it represented filled the empty nest.

?Steve, get up in the attic and get the boxes down. It?s time to decorate the tree.?

Grumbling preceded the retired Admiral as he faked protest. ?He knew the importance of this day.

First the lights went up. Then the beads. Christmas music from every year of their marriage played on the iPad. Then came the red ribbons. The sacred red ribbons. They always were the first to go on. Each box held ornaments from an event, place or person. She and Steve put up Albert?s ornaments. Her hand shook slightly as she looked as her lost son?s handsome face. Copious tears ran down her cheeks. ?How she missed the boy.

Then, branch by branch, the ornaments filled up the giant Scotch Pine.

Their Christmas was a scrapbook of their life together. Branches were chapters and ornaments were pages. Each represented a special time or place.

Steve and Judy held hands and admired their work when they finished. To them, it was more than just a Christmas tree. It represented their amazing life together.

It was their family tree.




Source: http://marshallramsey.com/?p=9084

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সোমবার, ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Get The Most Qualified Painting Contractor For Your Home ...

A house?s appearance can look dull and boring after how many years. Well, maybe it?s time to turn to a make-over by applying new paint to your St. Petersburg home. Improving your St. Petersburg will surely be a successful one when you hire the top and the finest painting contractors in Tampa.

The Downfall of Undergoing A DIY Painting Task

Painting a house is not an easy job. It can create disastrous results to your home, instead of giving it an improved look. While most people resort to DIY projects for specific reasons, you may want to consider withdrawing from it. Never rely on a DIY job Adequate skills and knowledge are important to embark on this kind of job. A lot of bad consequences can take place like endangering your own safety. It can also highly result to breaking and damaging several things inside the house. What a nightmare it would be to see your belongings filled with unwanted paint!

The Benefits of Hiring Pros to Do Your Home Improvement Project

When looking for painting contractors in St. Pete, it is advisable to hire professionals who have the expertise required for the job. Doing this is a smart way to save money You won?t have to buy the necessary equipment for painting. You wouldn?t worry on the degree of damage that you will probably cause, for these men can handle your things. These experienced personnel have what it takes to finish the job, without tearing down your belongings.

Another advantage of getting experienced painting contractors in Clearwater is that, they are capable of giving you a fast service. With a great team of contractors, the painting job can be done in a few hours with excellent results. You won?t have to sacrifice an ample amount of time doing a painting job that doesn?t ensure you of great outcomes for your home.

Did you know that the task of painting a house entails a lot of damaging results to your human system? Painting contractors have the appropriate clothing and gear that protects them from these destructive bodily effects of the paint. These painting contractors have all the essential protective gear and equipment to shield them from the unsafe chemicals.

Overall, getting the best and reputable house painting contractors in Tampa Bay Area can give you top class painting service. So the next time you make up your mind to paint your house or establishment, get the services only from commercial painting contractors in Tampa.

Searching for the best painting contractors in the place of Tampa? To know more about best contractors in Tampa Bay area or others, visit this link.

Source: http://articledirectoryhere.com/home-family/home-improvement/get-the-most-qualified-painting-contractor-for-your-home-improvement-needs/

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শনিবার, ২৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

The Idea of Travel and Leisure: Travel Agencies Cater You With ...

People are traveling much more than ever before. Unfortunately, the ever rising cost of fuels and airline operations has resulted in the major airlines raising fees in many areas associated with flying such as charging more for baggage. But then, travelers do not have to worry about the expensive flight tickets as there are many options to reduce the costs of flights. The ones that rise high to appear as a one stop solution when you know what to look for and where to look, are the cheap flights.

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You will find fantastic deals on flights at these sites. The reason as to why they are able to bring out such low cost deals is not too difficult to comprehend. It is competition- They compete with other similar sites, along with the major airlines to get a larger chunk of business to their credit.

Being an online travel retailer saves them from the overhead costs which is generally bore by traditional travel agencies and the big airlines.

Also, buying tickets in bulk from the airline companies allows them to avail the discounted prices offered. Thus, they are able to pass on these savings to their customers. Also, some of these travel sites have deals with airlines where they will sell really cheap flights for them at the last minute in order to fill seats.

For all of these reasons, discount online travel sites are able to sell cheap flight tickets regionally, nationally, and internationally.

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Your travel will be definitely a better experience on availing the facility of discount flights as you will be able to discover an airline that offers cheap flight airfare within your budget. Your honeymoon will be memorable enough to make it an everlasting experience by checking into cheap flight airfare possibilities months earlier the wedding. Using the resources online is one of the best ways to get a cheap flight. In addition, flexibility regarding when you will fly will help you save money on your flight.

Source: http://callier.blogspot.com/2012/11/travel-agencies-cater-you-with-cheap.html

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Nexus 4 shown working on Canadian LTE through simple carrier menu code (video)

Nexus 4 shown working on Canadian LTE through simple carrier menu code video

Want LTE on your new Nexus 4? Well, you might have to move country. Unless it's some elaborate post-Thanksgiving hoax from our Canadian neighbors, several Telus customers have demonstrated that the LTE chip hiding inside the Nexus 4 does work, and have connected to some data speeds resembling a 4G connection. This was enabled through the test menu, accessed by dialing "*#*#4636#*".

Tapping on the preferred network type option, you can select either LTE on its own, or a mix of LTE, GSM and CDMA. According to the videos, the Google phone then taps into your carrier's LTE network if Band 4 is available, and you're good to go. We've so far been unable to replicate it in the UK, which doesn't use the same LTE Band 4 (AWS 2100 / 1700MHz) of Canadian carriers Bell, Rogers and Telus. We have also tested this with AT&T's LTE, but had no luck there either -- we tried it in a Band 17 area, not a Band 4 area (which is less common). This is, however, great news for T-Mobile customers as this is precisely the type of LTE they'll be getting very soon. But for now, there's two working videos already doing the rounds from Canada and we've included them both below.

[Thanks Kaung]

Continue reading Nexus 4 shown working on Canadian LTE through simple carrier menu code (video)

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Via: Tekgadg, XDA Developers (1), (2)

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/P7hUD6smpzo/

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D.C. on pace for fewer than 100 homicides in 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The crack epidemic that began in the 1980s ushered in a wave of bloodletting in the nation's capital and a death toll that ticked upward daily. Dead bodies, sometimes several a night, had homicide detectives hustling between crime scenes and earned Washington unwelcome monikers such as the nation's "murder capital." At the time, some feared the murder rate might ascend to more frightening heights.

But after approaching nearly 500 slayings a year in the early 1990s, the annual rate has gradually declined to the point that the city is now on the verge of a once-unthinkable milestone. The number of 2012 killings in the District of Columbia stands at 78 and is on pace to finish lower than 100 for the first time since 1963, police records show.

"It strikes me probably daily as I ride around the city, or sometimes when I'm sitting at home at night, and it's 10 o'clock and my phone's not ringing. Or I get up in the morning, and I go, 'Oh my gosh, I've slept five hours," said Police Chief Cathy Lanier, who joined the department amid violent 1991 street riots. "It strikes me quite often how different things are now."

The drop reflects a downward trend in violent crime nationwide and is in line with declining homicides in other big cities. Though killings have risen in Chicago, New York City officials say homicides dropped to 515 last year from more than 2,200 in 1990. Houston reported 198 homicides last year, down from 457 in 1985, while Los Angeles police reported fewer than 300 last year after ending 1992 with about 1,100. Across the country, violent crime reported by police to the FBI fell by 3.8 percent last year from 2010.

Though D.C. is hardly crime-free today, and crime in some categories is even up, the homicide decline is especially notable in a place where grisly acts of violence ? sometimes not far from the U.S. Capitol ? embodied the worst of the crack scourge.

The number of homicides in this city of about 600,000 residents averaged about 457 between 1989 and 1993, a staggering rate that attracted unwanted attention. "A war zone? No, Washington, D.C.," was the sub-headline of a 1992 People magazine story that described Washington as a "city under siege." The Economist in 1995 called it "the violence capital of America." Tony Patterson, a longtime homicide detective, recalled one eight-hour shift when every detective on his squad landed a homicide investigation. Drive-by shootings with multiple victims were common, as were witnesses who'd see something ? but say nothing.

The 1990 arrest of then-Mayor Marion Barry for smoking crack cocaine fed a perception that the city where the nation's laws were made was, itself, lawless.

"If you asked people what would happen first, there'll be a thousand murders in D.C. in a year or there'll be less than a hundred, I think virtually everybody would have said there would be 1,000," said John Roman, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Urban Institute.

Everyone agrees there's no single cause for the trend.

One overarching factor is the city's continued gentrification ? the 2011 median household income of $63,124 is higher than all but four states, census figures show. Whole city blocks have been refashioned, drug dens razed, a Major League Baseball stadium built in place of urban blight, high-rise public housing replaced by less-dense garden style apartments. Though the poverty rate has risen, the growing wealth has pushed impoverished communities farther away from the city center. Some crime has also migrated to neighboring Prince George's County, Md., though homicides are down there too.

"There are just more physical places in Washington, D.C., that are affluent and safe than there used to be," Roman said.

Law enforcement techniques and medical care have advanced at the same time. Improved technology helps officers pinpoint gunfire, even before a 911 call, and share information faster. A police unit dedicated to seizing illegal firearms was re-established and prosecutors, benefiting from the city's strict gun laws, routinely ask that defendants arrested on weapons charges be held without bond ? in part, to head off possible retaliation. Stronger community relationships mean detectives have developed better sources on the street and witness cooperation, police say.

And better medical care, honed through lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan, means patients who were once stabilized at the scene are more likely to be taken directly to the hospital, where they have access to improved blood transfusion processes.

"The advances in the way we practice nowadays, I think, probably helps today's trauma patient more so than 20 years ago," said Anthony Shiflett, an acute care trauma surgeon at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

Still, homicides are but one gauge of a city's safety and an imperfect one too.

Crime in some other categories has risen this year from the previous year, including robberies and, as of mid-September, assaults with a dangerous weapon. There have been headline-making violent crimes in 2012, including the beating and robbery of a man returning home from a Washington Nationals game, the slaying of a taxi driver whose body was found inside his burning cab and, most recently, the fatal stabbing of an 18-year-old inside a subway station after a robbery.

U.S. Attorney Ron Machen, whose office prosecutes homicides, said that while witness cooperation has improved, retaliatory violence remains enough of a concern that he preaches against it during regular school visits.

"We always say, 'You're not going to remember what the argument was about five days from now, let alone five years from now. But you pick up that gun and shoot somebody, if you don't kill them, now they're going to be coming after you,'" he said.

The department doesn't track non-fatal shootings, but the number of aggravated assaults reported to the FBI ? which would encompass such crimes ? dropped from more than 8,500 in 1992 to 2,949 last year. The toll taken by non-fatal violence is apparent each Tuesday at the MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital, where wheelchair-bound survivors gather for support sessions.

"I'm still frightened to a degree to come outside ? day, night, it really don't matter," said Jordon Cook, 31, who was hit by stray gunfire at age 15. "I'm probably going to have to deal with this until the day I die."

The homicide drop is good news for violence-weary residents such as John Harper, who said his street in the historically violent Anacostia neighborhood feels far safer than it did 10 years ago. Still, a fatal shooting last July on his block returned his thoughts to the night in 1999 when his own son was killed in an alley.

"I didn't even want to look over there because it just takes me right back to that day," he said, adding, "A lot of it is starting to come to an end, that behavior is starting to just leave this city ? hopefully for good. I know not all of it, but a lot of it."

Lanier, the police chief, said that in a city visited by millions of tourists annually, a continued downward trend might help alter a lingering perception of the city as a haven for violence.

"It really is about a vibrant, safe city. I want people to not only be safe but to feel safe," she said.


Follow Eric Tucker on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/etuckerAP .

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dc-pace-fewer-100-homicides-2012-094716815.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Video: Athlete on netting record 138 points: ?Pretty surreal?

Sorry, Readability was unable to parse this page for content.

Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49915358/

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Home Improvements

How many times do you find your kitchen small and how many times have you thought of making it little larger, now don?t give it a second thought and just go for it. Take a Home improvement loan. Home Improvement loans are usually borrowed for the purpose of carrying out improvements that will increase the value of the home as well as for repairs that will help hold its value.

There are numerous ways of acquiring home improvement loans:

? Home equity loan

? Secured Home improvement loan

? Bad credit home improvement loan

Home Equity Loan:
In case of home equity loans, you are borrowing money against the value of your home. It is a prudent choice if the home improvement project that you are undertaking increases the value of your home. You can borrow up to 80% of the equity in your house. Home improvement loans must be taken after weighing the pros and cons carefully. One should be able to afford the monthly repayments and ensure that the house is worth more than what you owe for the loan.

Secured Home improvement loan : [http://www.adverse-credit-home-improvement-loans.co.uk/home-improvement-loan-secured.html]
It is a loan laid out by either a finance company or bank to finance your home improvement project. You need to pledge your home as collateral in order to avail a secured home improvement loan.

Bad credit home improvement loan:

It is true that if you have a bad credit history then it is difficult to obtain a home improvement loan, but it is not impossible. You can get yourself a home improvement loan even if you have arrears, county court judgments (CCJS), bankruptcies to your credit. Though you will get the home improvement loan but the interest rates would be quite high.

Acquiring a home improvement loan

When going in for a home improvement loan, one should plan the home improvements that he has to carry out. This should include costs of all improvements and the estimates put forth by the contractor. The home improvement you have been thinking of should be thus well planned.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting adverse credit home improvement loans as a finance specialist.

Source: http://frozentwo.blogspot.com/2012/11/your-home-improvement-your-way.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

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Why Do Companies with Microsoft Dynamics ERP Solutions ...

I recently had this discussion with John Matera, Director of Marketing with RedTail Solutions.? We talked about how most mid-sized businesses are accustomed to outsourcing in areas such as legal services, transportation, and building maintenance: areas that have traditionally been consumed as services. Is anything that touches ERP suitable for offloading as a service? Consider the reasons any business function may be a candidate for outsourcing:


  1. Special capabilities are required that your company does not possess.
  2. Capacity in person-time or processing cycles is lacking internally.
  3. Amount of work is too small or too large to handle effectively.
  4. Availability is critical and internal resources lack redundancy.
  5. Frequent changes make timely performance difficult to sustain.
  6. Not a core competency that makes your company more competitive.
  7. Internal start-up costs are high and external suppliers are already available.
  8. Time-to-solution is critical.
  9. Opportunity cost is high and other priorities have better return on investment.


Today, the maturation of providers and delivery methods has indeed enabled outsourcing of functions that have customarily been done in-house by necessity rather than choice. ?Managed Services? is the term most often used to describe particular blends of technology and people skills that are now offered as outsourced services.


Supply chain Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a perfect example of an important business process that is increasingly delivered by managed services. EDI is one of those thankless duties that is best done by experts and that meets the nine criteria above for a majority of suppliers. Integration with ERP is essential to the improved trade compliance that makes EDI viable as a managed service. Delivery in the cloud is a contemporary innovation that has also made its economics compelling, with low-cost implementation and pay-per-use frugality.


Here is an example of a mid-sized company that has been using a managed EDI service for over five years with increasing commitment to the superiority of outsourcing for their needs. Outsourcing may not be appropriate for everyone or every ERP-related process, but this short video illustrates that when it is right it is really right. See if RedTail Solutions with Schylling?s reasons resonate for you: http://redtailsolutions.com/solutions/redtail-edi-customer-video-gallery/

With the fiscal year coming to a close, and you begin looking for innovative and great solutions for your business needs, please contact The TM Group, www.tmgroupinc.com or call us at 888.482.2864 for more information today.? We are happy to guide you and offer our expertise and assistance with the most comprehensive results for your growing company?s needs regarding Microsoft Dynamics ERP, GP, SL, NAV and CRM.? Let us know how we can begin to make 2013 a banner year for you!

?Submitted by:? Jennifer Swiderski ? Marketing Manager, The?TM Group

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Source: http://www.erpsoftwareblog.com/2012/11/why-do-companies-with-microsoft-dynamics-erp-solutions-outsource-edi/

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