সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Illinois State University battling Hitchcock-esque crow problem

NORMAL ? Illinois State University has tried just about everything to vanquish its Hitchcock-esque crow problem ? plastic owls, rubber snakes, and so on. But thousands of the pesky birds are still roosting on the quad this winter and causing a nuisance with their noise and droppings, which have to be power washed off the walkways.

West Nile virus took a heavy toll in 2001, but since then the blackbirds have bounced back.

?We?ve tried about everything we can,? said Chuck Scott, ISU?s director of facilities management. ?It?s a battle this time of year.?

Now, a new weapon, akin to crowd control for birds, is having at least some impact: Pyrotronics, which are something like bottle rockets, are being launched into the trees to break up the birds? roosting habits with loud bangs. But this, too, might have only a limited impact.

?Crows are pretty smart. They figure things out,? said ISU biological sciences professor Angelo Capparella.

However brief, the smaller number of birds was a welcome development.

?Before they did that, every single tree was just covered in crows,? Capparella told the (Bloomington) Pantagraph, referring to the use of the noisemakers. ?I?m going to keep an eye on them to see how effective this will be.?

The birds stream into the quad at dusk to roost after spending the day feeding elsewhere, mostly out in rural fields. They?re drawn to the island of trees sheltered by the surrounding university buildings, which act as a wind break for the birds.

?It?s a winter phenomenon,? Capparella said.


Source: http://www.suntimes.com/news/17287860-418/illinois-state-university-battling-hitchcock-esque-crow-problem.html

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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Gay Marriage in Maine is Legal Starting at Midnight

Gay Marriage in Maine is Legal Starting at Midnight People all over the world will be counting down to the end of 2012 in a few days. But a particularly heartwarming 3,2,1... will happen tonight in a number of communities in Maine, where gay marriage will be legal starting at 12:01 a.m. Yay!

Portland, Maine's largest city, will be open at midnight to give out licenses, as will Falmouth. Bangor, Brunswick and Augusta will open a few hours later. Notaries will also keep special hours this weekend.


Source: http://jezebel.com/5971752/gay-marriage-in-maine-is-legal-starting-at-midnight

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শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

New Year's Resolutions for Online Marketing | Haden Interactive

Posted by Rebecca Haden on Friday, December 28, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

2013We?re not going to pretend that there are lots of amazing new changes for 2013 when it comes to online marketing. A lot of the changes that made news in 2012 were just crackdowns on things that have always been a bad idea: link farming, shady links, poor quality content, duplicate content, excessive ads ? they?ve never been a good idea, even if they seemed to benefit sites in the short run.

Create the best possible experience for your visitors and don?t even look like you?re gaming the system. We?ve said that for years, and it?s still true.

Still, technology continues to change ? fast ? so the resolutions we?re offering you for 2013 are a mix of the most important things that are still true, and the things that have become important.

  1. If your business doesn?t have a website, or your website needs an update, make building a new website your top priority for 2013. The internet is your customer?s top source of information, and it?s many people?s first impression of your business; deciding not to have a good website for your business is like deciding not to have a telephone, not to have signs, or not to have a door. Put a website build into your budget ? if you?re not online, you?re really not in business.
  2. Create quality content regularly. Fresh content brings both search engines and people to your website, it gets you links, and it builds your brand. If you do nothing else but add new content to your website on a regular basis this year, you?ll see increases in traffic to your website. We have exactly one client who actually does this himself, and he is a novelist, so we think you should get over the idea that this is something you have to do yourself. Like cleaning your restrooms or filing your taxes, it has to be done, but not necessarily by you.
  3. Go mobile. The percentage of people accessing web content with mobile devices is increasing so fast that there?s no point in giving you numbers. Check your analytics to see whether ? and how fast ? your mobile visits are increasing. Notice any differences between how mobile visitors interact with your website and how others do. Then respond to those differences. If your website doesn?t look good on phones and tablets, see point #1 ? it?s time to update your website.
  4. Get social. If you?ve been delaying your business use of social media because you figured it was a fad, it?s time to quit waiting for it all to blow over. If you haven?t done social media for your business, hire someone like Haden Interactive to manage social media for you. Social media done right can increase traffic and conversions, as well as building your online brand. Check out 10 Social Media Resolutions for specifics.
  5. Integrate your efforts. We?re finding that the results our clients get when they have blogging, social media, linkbuilding, and analytics going on are far better than when they have just one element. It makes sense: blogging provides that fresh content, social media spreads it and brings people back to your website to read it. linkbuilding is easier when you have extensive content to work with and social media relationships to leverage, and analytics shows what?s working. It?s time to divert resources from traditional advertising to integrate online marketing.
  6. Stay local. Even if you don?t have primarily local clientele, don?t miss the SEO benefits of using your local connections. Have your physical address on your website, be active in Google Places, and list your company in local directories. As you?re doing that listing, make sure your information is consistent and that your descriptions are unique.
  7. Use your analytics data. We use Google Analytics, which is (currently) free, but there are plenty of other programs as well. Whatever you choose to install, make sure you actually use the data you capture when you make decisions about your online marketing.
  8. Test early and often. Whether you choose A/B testing of pages or direct observation of users, testing is important. If you?ve been going with your gut so far, 2013 might be the year to work with the data instead.
  9. Take advantage of Google?s authorship attribute. Visit the Authorship page at G+ to connect your G+ profile to your content. This gets your picture onto the search results page. Clearly, this is not ideal for all businesses; however, if you use your personal photo on your social media accounts, connecting your content can make what you?ve written seem more trustworthy. Your clients and patients will see your face when they search for keywords, and this not only makes them more likely to click through, but also makes you appear more authoritative. Again, it?s not for everyone, but it is one of the new factors in SEO, so it?s worth considering.
  10. Consider other semantic markup. Schema.org lays out a system that both Google and Bing have endorsed. This is a tech option that requires some skills and lots of time, so it may not be the first step you take. If you?ve already done all the other things on this list, though, this is a good resolution for you.

Source: http://www.hadeninteractive.com/2012/12/new-years-resolutions-for-online-marketing.html

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Food and Drink: Sweetening Up Fruit Recipes

Everyone has heard the five a day slogan in terms of fruits and vegetables, however not very many people really do a good job at actually meeting it. For whatever reason fruits just are not a big part of people's lives, and that's unfortunate. Fruits are actually very important for the body as they are quite beneficial to one's health. Unlike some other health foods, many fruits do actually taste great as well. In fact there are a number of simple fruit recipes out there that are both easy to make and taste great.

Instead of just having a boring apple in the morning before work, why not enjoy something with lunch with one of these great fruit recipes?

Apricots aren't necessary something people will have commonly, but they taste great and make a delicious snack. For those who have a bit of a sweet tooth, mixing a bit of honey, sugar and a cinnamon stick in with apricots can create a tasty sauce. Pour it over some yogurt for a snack or over frozen yogurt for dessert. If you are already a fan of chicken for dinner, try adding a little extra flavor by spicing it up with pomegranates and blackberries. After grilling the chicken, add a sauce consisting of pomegranate juice, brown sugar, molasses, blackberries and if you prefer garlic, ginger and red pepper. It's sure to how a fresh fruit recipe take on the old classic of chicken for dinner.

For a quick breakfast in the morning, skip the buttered toast and instead make your own spread out of strawberries. All you need to make it is sugar, water, lemon zest and juice as well as the strawberries. It can be saved in a container in the refrigerator allowing for multiple uses throughout the week. Not only does it taste great, but it is also a healthy way to start off in the morning. One of the easiest ways to up your fruit intake is by whipping up a fruit salad. Mixing together blueberries, raspberries and apples can make for great fruit recipes.

If you are not quite in the mood to really prepare something, the best way to eat more fruit is usually just to find something that you like and actually want to eat. There are so many different kinds of fruit out there that it's not hard to find something. In the summer, the abundance of watermelon is a beacon of good times and importantly also counts towards your total fruit count for the day.

When in doubt, look online for some fresh fruit recipes and try your hand at something new. Even if it does not come out quite as you had expected at least it is a new experience in the kitchen. It is never a bad thing to at least give it a try and skip the boring routine of quickly chomping down on a single piece of boring fruit a few times a day. Even if you've found a single piece that you love, it can still be found to see what else is out there.

Source: http://cuatorino.blogspot.com/2012/12/sweetening-up-fruit-recipes.html

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বুধবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

What do you use to get your Google fix on iOS?

What do you use to get your Google fix on iOS?Great discussions are par for the course here on Lifehacker. Each day, we highlight a discussion that is particularly helpful or insightful, along with other great discussions and reader questions you may have missed. Check out these discussions and add your own thoughts to make them even more wonderful!

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To join or start great discussions on any topic, be sure to visit the Openthread forum.

If you've got a cool project, inspiration, or just something fun to share, be sure to let us know in our Tips forum.

Happy Lifehacking, everybody!

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/x3TorlYRw0E/what-do-you-use-to-get-your-google-fix-on-ios

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Chipotle mashed sweet potatoes

Canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce bring smoke and a little heat to this quick, sweet/savory side dish. Sliced scallions add brightness.

By Terry Boyd,?Blue Kitchen / December 25, 2012

Mashed sweet potatoes with a smokey flavor from chipotle peppers in adobo sauce and just a hint of heat.

Blue Kitchen


I know what you?re thinking. Sweet potatoes? Isn?t Thanksgiving over? But how can you not love a good-for-you root vegetable that actually gets healthier when you add fat to it? According to Whole Foods, ?Recent research has shown that a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat per meal significantly increases our uptake of beta-carotene from sweet potatoes.?

Skip to next paragraph Terry Boyd

Blue Kitchen

Terry Boyd is the author of Blue Kitchen, a Chicago-based food blog for home cooks. His simple, eclectic cooking focuses on fresh ingredients, big flavors and a cheerful willingness to borrow ideas and techniques from all over the world. A frequent contributor to the Chicago Sun-Times, he writes weekly food pieces for cable station USA Network's Character Approved Blog. His recipes have also appeared on the Bon App?tit and Saveur websites.

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Sweet potatoes aren?t just kinda healthy ? they top the Center for Science in the Public Interest?s Best 10 Foods list. The Center calls them a ?nutritional All-Star ? one of the best vegetables you can eat.?

They?re also delicious, versatile and easy to work with. Here at Blue Kitchen, we cook with them a lot. We?ve used them in everything from sweet/savory Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Shallots to Sweet Potato and Pork Pierogi made with wonton wrappers, Sweet Potato Sage Pasta with Chicken and an absolute given at our Thanksgiving table, Marion?s Sweet Potato Vichyssoise. These weeknight-quick, smoky mashed sweet potatoes are destined to become part of the regular rotation here, I think.?

The smoke comes from canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. Chipotle peppers are smoked jalape?o peppers; adobo sauce is a marinade popular throughout Latin America, usually made with chile peppers, garlic, tomatoes, vinegar and a variety of herbs and spices. The chipotle pepper brings the smoke, and the adobo sauce adds a nice tang. Both pack heat, but not a lot.

For this recipe, I used one chopped up pepper and a teaspoon of the adobo sauce with two medium sweet potatoes, about one pound. The resulting taste is nicely smoky, but not overpoweringly so, and the heat sneaks up on you without taking over. This would make a perfect side for grilled or pan seared pork chops. They would also be great with steaks or even roast chicken. I served them with tilapia fillets, cooked as I do them for Tilapia Fish Tacos, but served whole.

Chipotle Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Serves 2

2 medium sweet potatoes, about 1 pound


2 tablespoons unsalted butter, sliced

1 canned chipotle pepper, plus 1 teaspoon adobo sauce from can (see Kitchen Notes)

1 scallion, green parts only, sliced (see Kitchen Notes)

Peel and cube the sweet potatoes. Place in a medium saucepan and cover with cold, salted water by an inch or so. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to simmer. Cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, finely chop the chipotle pepper.

Drain sweet potatoes, add butter and mash with a hand masher. Add chipotle pepper and adobo sauce and mash to combine completely. Can be made ahead up to this point and left covered on the stove while you finish other dishes. Reheat gently before serving. Transfer to a serving dish or divide between two dinner plates. Garnish with sliced scallions and serve immediately.

Kitchen Notes

One pepper? But I bought a whole can! I know. This is typical of most recipes that call for chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. The thing is, a little of their smokiness goes a long way. Readers over at Apartment Therapy?s The Kitchn have a number of suggestions for storing leftover peppers for later use. One blends them with the adobo sauce in a food processor, then freezes the mixture. About a tablespoon equals one pepper, so you just slice off what you need.

Don?t skip the scallion. In researching chipotle mashed potatoes to make this recipe, I found (as Marion did when she was researching shortbread cookie recipes) that there were really only a few variations. One thing I didn?t see anywhere, though, was the addition of sliced scallions as a garnish. I consider this my major contribution to the oeuvre. As Marion long ago discovered with her sweet potato vichyssoise, the green oniony bite of the scallion tops balance the sweetness of the sweet potatoes, pulling them back into side dish territory from dessertland. The also add a pleasant crunch. Chives will also work, but I wouldn?t use chopped onion ? that would be overpowering.

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of food bloggers. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by The Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own and they are responsible for the content of their blogs and their recipes. All readers are free to make ingredient substitutions to satisfy their dietary preferences, including not using wine (or substituting cooking wine) when a recipe calls for it. To contact us about a blogger, click here.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/foUuMVf0bXw/Chipotle-mashed-sweet-potatoes

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Benchmark listing provides further evidence for more Galaxy Note tablets

Android Central

If you were paying particularly close attention to upcoming Galaxy Note rumors around late October, you may recall that a Samsung "GT-N5110" device appeared in a DLNA certification listing. This prompted speculation of a possible 7-9-inch Galaxy Note variant, on account of Samsung's naming scheme for Note devices. (The original international Note was GT-N7000, the Note 2 is GT-N7100 and the Note 10.1 is GT-N8000.)

Today there's further evidence to suggest more Galaxy Note tablets are in the works. A GLBenchmark listing for a Samsung GT-N5100 has appeared, indicating a device running Android 4.1.2 on a 1.6GHz Exynos 4412 processor -- same as the Galaxy Note 2. The screen resolution of 1280x800 also hints at a tablet device rather than a new phone, and the firmware version (N5100XXALL3) indicates something built during the month of December. These details wouldn't be impossible to fabricate, but the consistency seen here suggests to us that this is in fact a real device.

Samsung's naming scheme points to GT-N5110 and GT-N5100 being different variations of the same device. Typically, tablets with model numbers ending in 00 are Wifi-plus-cellular options, while those ending in 10 are Wifi-only. For example, the Wifi-only Note 10.1 is GT-N8110, while the Wifi-plus-3G version is GT-N8100.

Unfortunately there's no information as to what form this device will take, though a 7-inch tablet would fit quite elegantly between the existing 5.5-inch Note 2 and 10.1-inch Note 10.1. It's possible we might learn more about this device at CES in a couple of weeks, but given Samsung's track record, we think an unveiling at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in late February is more likely. Whatever happens, we'll be at both shows, and we'll keep you posted on any further developments.

Source: GLBenchmark; via: SamMobile

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/JyTW1OH2P2w/story01.htm

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Embroidered Napkins That Will Add A Last Minute Homemade Touch To Your Table

Adding a small homemade touch to your Christmas table is an easy way to make your holiday dinner extra special. So if you're still looking for a simple way to incorporate your handiwork into your tablescape, take some time on your day off today to try this last-minute holiday craft idea.

If you don't have time to make these napkins from scratch, simply embroider some festive words onto any that you already have. It's the easiest way to make your old table linens look different from last year without having to spend any more money.

embroidered napkinsPhoto by Sew Together

Head over to Sew Together for the full tutorial.

Looking for more holiday crafts? Check out some other great ideas in the slideshow below.

  • Ornament Gift Tag

    This adorable <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/21/felt-snowman-gift-tag-ornament_n_2339926.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">present topper</a> doubles as an ornament.

  • Placemat Stockings

    Last-minute stockings that will look great <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/20/quilted-placemat-christmas-stockings_n_2331373.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">hanging by the chimney</a> -- and that aren't straight from the drugstore holiday aisle.

  • Kraft Paper Tree Skirt

    One of the most <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/19/kraft-paper-tree-skirt-christmas_n_2324905.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">unique tree skirts</a> we've ever seen!

  • Mistletoe Silhouette Wall Art

    Decorate your walls with a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/18/christmas-craft-ideas-kissing-silhouettes_n_2316827.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">tribute to everyone's favorite</a> (or for some, dreaded) Christmas tradition.

  • Fabric Pinecone Fase Fillers

    Throw these <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/17/christmas-craft-ideas-pine-cone-fillers_n_2303631.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">faux-pinecones</a> in an empty bowl or vase to add some extra detail to a room.

  • Candy Cane Wreath

    Not only is this <a href="Thanks again for sharing your craft with our readers. We would be thrilled if you could share it with your readership as well and if you do, please tag/follow us on our social channels: Twitter:?http://twitter.com/HuffPostHome?Facebook:?https://www.facebook.com/HuffPostHome?ref=hl?Pinterest:?http://pinterest.com/huffposthome/?Tumblr:?http://huffposthome.tumblr.com/?Instagram:?http://web.stagram.com/n/huffposthome">colorful wreath</a> so pretty, but you'll also be able to use it year after year.

  • Paper Napkin Snowballs

    Who knew <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/13/christmas-crafts-paper-napkin-snowballs_n_2286362.html">napkins</a> could look so elegant?

  • Mosaic Ornaments

    Turn your old Smashmouth CD into <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/12/holiday-craft-ideas-mosaic-ornaments_n_2278759.html">something so much cooler</a>.

  • Paper Dreidels

    Add some <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/11/hanukkah-craft-ideas-paper-dreidels_n_2271877.html">extra decorations</a> without spending a cent.

  • Ruffle Tree Skirt

    Turn an old tree skirt into a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/07/holiday-craft-ideas-ruffle-tree-skirt_n_2259624.html">pretty ruffled one</a> -- without sewing a stitch!

  • Dreidel Coasters

    A fun and festive way to <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/06/hanukkah-craft-ideas-dreidel-coasters_n_2250190.html">protect your tabletops</a> this Hanukkah.

  • Pumpkin Snowman

    The perfect way to <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/05/holiday-craft-ideas-pumpkin-snowman_n_2244416.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">bring fall decor</a> into the winter.

  • Paint-Dipped Ornaments

    A quick and easy way to <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/04/holiday-craft-ideas-paint-dipped-ornaments_n_2237743.html">add some festive color</a> to your tree.

  • Gelt Pouch

    Get ready for some <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/03/hanukkah-craft-ideas-gelt-pouch_n_2231593.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">intense games</a> of driedel!

  • Square Holly Wreath

    Put a <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/27/holiday-craft-ideas-square-holly-wreath_n_2198681.html">unique spin</a> on a classic holiday wreath.

  • Hanukkah Party Favors

    Recycle toilet paper rolls into sparkly and colorful <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/29/hanukkah-craft-ideas-party-favors_n_2212193.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">party favors</a>.

  • Charlie Brown Ornaments

    Pay homage to "A Charlie Brown Christmas" with these felt <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/26/holiday-craft-ideas-charlie-brown-ornaments_n_2194132.html">Peanuts ornaments</a>.

  • Modern Furniture Wreath

    Create one of the <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/27/holiday-craft-ideas-furniture-embedded-wreath_n_2198917.html">most unique wreaths</a> you'll ever see!

  • Embellished Hanukkah Napkins

    Honor the eight nights of Hanukkah with these <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/26/hanukkah-craft-ideas-numbered-hanukkah-napkins_n_2193056.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">festive numbered napkins</a>.

  • Yarn-Wrapped Pinecones

    Such a simple yet festive <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/21/holiday-craft-ideas-yarn-wrapped-pinecones_n_2172495.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">way to decorate</a> for the holiday season!

  • Painted Acorns

    These <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/21/holiday-crafts-metallic-golden-acorns_n_2171010.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">acorns are the perfect decor</a> to transition from Thanksgiving to the December holidays.

  • Paper Christmas Tree

    These <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/12/16/craft-of-the-day-paper-trees_n_1154426.html?ref=stylelist-home" target="_hplink">paper christmas trees</a> are an easy way to upcycle old newspapers.

  • Mason Jar Snow Globe

    Bring the beautiful snow (without the cold!) into your home with a <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/12/15/craft-of-the-day-mason-jars_n_1152222.html?ref=stylelist-home" target="_hplink">mason jar snow globe</a>.

  • Paper Snowflakes

    Welcome winter with pretty <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/12/12/craft-of-the-day-paper-snowflakes_n_1144520.html?ref=stylelist-home" target="_hplink">paper snowflakes</a>

  • Felt Trees

    Make these <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/12/07/craft-of-the-day-felt-trees_n_1134066.html?ref=stylelist-home" target="_hplink">felt trees</a> to add some festivity to any room in your home.

  • Ornament Wreath

    This <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/12/01/craft-of-the-day-ornament-wreath_n_1124167.html" target="_hplink">ornament wreath</a> is a bright and festive way to dress up your front door!

  • Pinecone Ornaments

    Dress up your tree with these funky <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/12/01/craft-of-the-day-pinecone_n_1122895.html?ref=mostpopular" target="_hplink">pinecone ornaments</a>

  • Advent Calendar

    Count down the days until Christmas with this <a href="http://www.stylelist.com/2011/11/25/craft-of-the-day-advent-calendar_n_1113147.html" target="_hplink">advent calendar</a>

  • How to Make a Duct Tape Holiday Wallet

    Kristy Kalnitzky demonstrates how make a duct tape holiday wallet.

Have something to say? Check out HuffPost Home on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram.


Do you have a home story idea or tip? Email us at homesubmissions@huffingtonpost.com. (PR pitches sent to this address will be ignored.)

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/24/christmas-craft-idea-embroidered-napkins_n_2347088.html

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রবিবার, ২৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Why Goa Is Called The Paradise Of Honeymooners ?

Goa is the highly acclaimed tourist destination in India. People from every corner of the world do not miss visiting this paradise of honeymoon and so throughout the year you can see newlywed couples and honeymooners in Goa.

Goa is a beautiful state offering captivating attractions such as the stunning beaches, gothic churches, magnificent temples and many more attractions. All these are offered in by any Goa tour package and honeymooners keep exploring these attractions. The honeymooners pray in the churches and temples for their happy life forever.

Honeymoon in Goa is almost every couples dream as they wish to begin their life amidst a fresh bliss of nature. There are places in Goa that gives a celebration feel and certain places give the newly weds great pleasure such as:

Goa river cruise offers an amusing and enjoyable experience that the couples can enjoy as they choose the timings, the sunrise, sunset and moonlight timings. The honeymooners come from all around the globe as it is a dream come true place. The Cruise on river Mandovi offers a real treat to your eyes. The delicacies offered on the cruise is fantastic and you can spot water amphibians as well.

This beautiful state is known as the Beach capital of India as it is endowed with golden beaches enticing the honeymooners from the entire world. The couples enjoy quality time on these beaches that have silver sand gleaming and the dotted palm trees truly fill their holidays with fun. The couples can enjoy sunbath, swimming or even sitting under the palm trees talking or looking naughtily at each other.

Some Goa Tour Operator offer fascinating beaches tour that are most visited and explored such as the Anjuna Beach, Varca Beach, Morjim Beach and Chapora Beach. These beaches are suitable for honeymooners as they seduce the couples mood. There are places to enjoy the solitude moment with tasteful cuisines and class amenities.

Even the Goa Beaches Tour India offers exceptional places to visit such as beach, temples and churches. The fun nightlife is thrilling here to spark the sunset hours. The nightlife is dazzling and even if the space is less spacious, the ambiance is outstanding and relaxing to enjoy a pleasurable night. Most eateries serve seafood and other delicacies, besides well stocked bars are equipped.

If you want a remarkable honeymoon vacation, then contact Goa tours and plan your lifetime occasion.

About the Author:
For More Information about Goa tour package and Goa Tour Operator please visit our website at http://www.mapsofindia.org/

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Why-Goa-Is-Called-The-Paradise-Of-Honeymooners--/4341862

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শনিবার, ২২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Quick And Helpful Tips For Home Improvement |The Garage Doors ...

TIP! Replacing your front door for one that is nice looking and well made can boost the value of your home substantially. If you want to add a bit of pizzazz to your front door, update its knob and lock with one of the dozens of styles on the market.

Some people who own homes are afraid of home improvement. They worry that it will cost too much or cause too much disruption in their lives. Reading up on the subject will help you feel more confident. In most instances, all you need are some simple tips to help you turn the project into a reality. Here are just some helpful hints that can help you the next time you want to renovate.

TIP! Before you paint any walls, make sure you cover any electrical outlets with aluminum foil. Conveniently placed aluminum foil can do a good job of protecting your covers from paint and is easier than tape to apply.

Work on painting the room before you make any other improvements. You should always paint the room before you install new flooring. No matter how many drop cloths you lay down, a little paint is bound to end up on your lovely new floor.

TIP! Ask your family members and friends for help before you start your next project to improve your home. If you start, then ask, you may find many people scared off by the work at hand.

Before you decide to paint a wall that was previously covered with glossy paint, you should first use a good primer to prime the walls. Using a primer will help the paint adhere better and prevent it from peeling. Priming is also especially important when painting over a dark wall with a new lighter colored paint.

TIP! An excellent idea is to put in a fence around your backyard because this can achieve many different purposes in your home renovation. It keeps everyone from pets to children safe from outside wildlife.

When making home improvements, there are a number of screws you can use. Be aware of which ones you?ll need for your specific project. Wood screws work best for projects involving wood as they can easily go through the wood. When working with sheet metal, there are special screws available also.

TIP! Nearly all supplies and tools involved in home improvement can be the objects of desire to thieves. Always see that all materials are fully secured when nobody will be around to watch them.

By making changes to your accessories, you can dramatically improve a room?s look. It may surprise you to see how a few new items can really improve the look of a room. Purchase new window treatments which are vibrant in color and pair them with a vase, lamp and pillows in the same or coordinating colors. Your finished room will looked like a decorator was hired to give your place an updated look.

TIP! You can craft your own kitchen back splash by using varnish and wallpaper. Select wallpaper that you like.

A good plan will ease the tension and stress of anyone doing home improvement. Solid tips will help you keep your project schedule, help you stay under budget and eliminate the hassle that comes with this kind of work. Educating yourself on home improvement allows you to conquer the projects that can give your home more beauty, value and make it more useful.

Thank you for going to the Same Day Door Service website. SDDS is a garage door contractor that was established in 1993. Our mission is to provide our customers with outstanding and swift service. We specialize in the repair of steel and wood sectional garage doors as well as garage door openers like Genie and Liftmaster.

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Source: http://www.thegaragedoorrepairorangecounty.com/quick-and-helpful-tips-for-home-improvement/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

'Walking Dead' zombies on 'Dumb Ways to Die'

By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor

Any fan of AMC's "The Walking Dead" series knows that the deaths on the show -- zombies aside -- are not only shocking, but senseless. Some might even say dumb.?

The folks at Teddie Films agree and decided to summarize some of the show's most gruesome exits in a video that's starting to go viral. They've paired re-enactments and some shuffling choreography with the tune from the Australian public transit's PSA that went viral in November, "Dumb Ways to Die."

(Note: Video shows graphic deaths and lots of spoilers for the series.)

As the re-written lyrics go, "Take a hit right to the head / It's the only thing that makes you dead / If you need a meal, just follow Shane / 'Cause he'll shoot his friend and abandon him as bait."?

It's a "cautionary tale from the Walkers' point of view," as the YouTube notes explain. So in a way, it's just another public service announcement -- one with real guts.

Check out the video (but not too close to mealtime)!

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Source: http://theclicker.today.com/_news/2012/12/19/16016354-walking-dead-zombies-share-many-dumb-ways-to-die-in-video-mashup?lite

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Transplanted neural stem cells treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in mouse model

Dec. 19, 2012 ? In 11 independent studies, a consortium of ALS researchers shows that transplanting neural stem cells into the spinal cord of an ALS mouse model slows disease onset and progression, improves motor function, and significantly prolongs survival.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is untreatable and fatal. Nerve cells in the spinal cord die, eventually taking away a person's ability to move or even breathe. A consortium of ALS researchers at multiple institutions, including Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, tested transplanted neural stem cells as a treatment for the disease. In 11 independent studies, they found that transplanting neural stem cells into the spinal cord of a mouse model of ALS slows disease onset and progression. This treatment also improves host motor function and significantly prolongs survival.

Surprisingly, the transplanted neural stem cells did not benefit ALS mice by replacing deteriorating nerve cells. Instead, neural stem cells help by producing factors that preserve the health and function of the host's remaining nerve cells. They also reduce inflammation and suppress the number of disease-causing cells in the host's spinal cord. These findings, published December 19 in Science Translational Medicine, demonstrate the potential neural stem cells hold for treating ALS and other nervous system disorders.

"While not a cure for human ALS, we believe that the careful transplantation of neural stem cells, particularly into areas that can best sustain life -- respiratory control centers, for example -- may be ready for clinical trials," Evan Y. Snyder, M.D., Ph.D., director of Sanford-Burnham's Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Program and senior author of the study.

Neural stem cells

In this study, researchers at multiple institutions conducted 11 independent studies to test neural stem cell transplantation in a well-established mouse model of ALS. They all found that this cell therapy reduced the symptoms and course of the ALS-like disease. They observed improved motor performance and respiratory function in treated mice. Neural stem cell transplant also slowed the disease's progression. What's more, 25 percent of the treated ALS mice in this study survived for one year or more -- roughly three to four times longer than untreated mice.

Neural stem cells are the precursors of all brain cells. They can self-renew, making more neural stem cells, and differentiate, becoming nerve cells or other brain cells. These cells can also rescue malfunctioning nerve cells and help preserve and regenerate host brain tissue. But they've never before been studied extensively in a good model of adult ALS.

How neural stem cells benefit ALS mice

Transplanted neural stem cells helped the ALS mice, but not for the obvious reason -- not because they became nerve cells, replacing those missing in the ALS spinal cord. The biggest impact actually came from a series of other beneficial neural stem cell activities. It turns out neural stem cells produce protective molecules. They also trigger host cells to produce their own protective molecules. In turn, these factors help spare host nerve cells from further destruction.

Then a number of other positive events take place in treated mice. The transplanted normal neural stem cells change the fate of the host's own diseased neural stem cells -- for the better. This change decreases the number of toxin-producing, disease-promoting cells in the host's spinal cord. Transplanted neural stem cells also reduce inflammation.

"We discovered that cell replacement plays a surprisingly small role in these impressive clinical benefits. Rather, the stem cells change the host environment for the better and protect the endangered nerve cells," said Snyder. "This realization is important because most diseases are now being recognized as multifaceted in their cause and their symptoms -- they don't involve just one cell type or one malfunctioning process. We are coming to recognize that the multifaceted actions of the stem cell may address a number of these disease processes."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute. The original article was written by Heather Buschman.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/tRZBmkZzym0/121219142251.htm

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Geo-engineering against climate change: Seeding the oceans with iron may not address carbon emissions

Dec. 19, 2012 ? Numerous geo-engineering schemes have been suggested as possible ways to reduce levels of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and so reduce the risk of global warming and climate change. One such technology involves dispersing large quantities of iron salts in the oceans to fertilize otherwise barren parts of the sea and trigger the growth of algal blooms and other photosynthesizing marine life. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide as its feedstock and when the algae die they will sink to the bottom of the sea taking the locked in carbon with them.

Unfortunately, present plans for seeding the oceans with iron fail to take into account several factors that could scupper those plans, according to Daniel Harrison of the University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science, NSW. Writing in the International Journal of Global Warming, Harrison has calculated the impact of iron seeding schemes in terms of the efficiency of spreading the iron, the impact it will most likely have on algal growth the tonnage of carbon dioxide per square kilometer of ocean surface that will be actually absorbed compared to the hypothetical figures suggested by advocates of the approach.

"If society wishes to limit the contribution of anthropogenic carbon dioxide to global warming then the need to find economical methods of carbon dioxide sequestration is now urgent," Harrison's new calculations take into account not only the carbon dioxide that will be certainly be sequestered permanently to the deep ocean but also subtracts the many losses due to ventilation, nutrient stealing, greenhouse gas production and the carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of fossil fuels to produce the iron salts and to power their transportation and distribution at sea.

His calculations suggest that on average, a single ocean iron fertilization will result in a net sequestration of just 10 tonnes of carbon per square kilometer sequestered for a century or more at a cost of almost US$500 per tonne of carbon dioxide. "Previous estimates of cost fail to recognize the economic challenge of distributing low concentrations of iron over large areas of the ocean surface and the subsequent loss processes that result in only a small net storage of carbon per square kilometer fertilized," says Harrison.

Others have addressed the maximum possible contribution by modeling and the generally accepted figure is around 1 billion tonnes of carbon, but those calculations do not take into account the losses discussed by Harrison. The real limit would be when the macro-nutrients are exhausted, what then is the flux of macro-nutrients into the iron limited regions per year? "Under ideal conditions the cost could be lowered and the efficiency increased but the availability of ideal conditions will be small," says Harrison.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Inderscience Publishers, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Daniel Harrison. A method for estimating the cost to sequester carbon dioxide by delivering iron to the ocean. Int. J. of Global Warming, 2013

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/wNjYAfFgd7M/121219101252.htm

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বুধবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Eric Chua : Life, Business and Real Estate in Singapore ? Things ...

It comes as no surprise that successful Internet marketing involves a great deal of effort on your part. It is also the case your hard work has to pay off so you can make more money. Don?t spin your wheels working to no avail. The following article offers tips and techniques on internet promotion.

Learn about your competition. You can check your competition?s site to see what they have. You can also see how much traffic they are getting.

TIP! Establishing the right niche for you is a very important part of Internet marketing. Since there are no geographical constraints, you could easily reach out to a very small target audience.

You can increase the success of your web marketing by writing a blog on a regular basis. A high-quality blog that you add content to on a regular basis gives you another way to connect with potential customers. Blogs also give your website a lot of extra content, which appeals to search engines and will improve your rankings.

As part of your affiliate marketing tactic, think about developing a web page for public relations. Trying to add content that can be published in newspapers, magazines and online. It is relatively simple to do, and is an excellent way of promoting your business.

You should set aside funds to purchase your URL. It?s probably going to be difficult to get the domain name that matches your company name. However, if you are prepared to spend some money, you can probably get a close enough match.

TIP! Interviewing someone famous in the area of your niche is a great way to increase Internet marketing. There are multiple options for the interview, such as audio, video or text based.

Keep in contact with your customers after making a sale. Promote reviews for your products that customers can write and post to your website.

Improve your Website marketing approach by creating a unique and distinctive website. The web is inundated with business, so you need to become innovative in order to set yourself apart from the pack. If you offer a special service be sure to mention that. Having content that people find helpful will also attract visitors.

Pretend as though you?ve never seen your website before. Is it easy to use? Does the content make sense? Is an efficient and effective ordering system in place? You don?t want to go through the work of leading customers to your website, only to have them leave because it is boring or difficult to use.

TIP! If it seems like a hassle to offer many different payment options, just remember that every one you set up is going to increase your number of sales. You need to give people the option of using PayPal or debit from their bank accounts instead of only offering credit card payments.

It can be a difficult job to choose your business direction for your website. You should list your interests and select the top few to see which interest will be the direction you will take with your business. It is important to pick a topic that you are both knowledgeable and interested in. With your goals clearly identified and set, marketing your website should go smoothly.

Try giving free incentives to get more business. Web marketing strategies often underestimate the importance of pampering customers, but things such as offering free gifts, while more expensive, may bring many more repeat/loyal customers, leading to a more sustainable business strategy in the end.

Edit your content and headlines often. Keep track of the effects it has on your traffic and sales. The goal here is to figure out what?s working the best for you and what you will need to change. It?s this type of management that ensures you?ll be able to make the most out of your marketing techniques. Also, make sure that you listen to your customer?s reviews and opinions.

TIP! Ask others to review your Internet marketing content. This particular factor can prove really critical to your overall success, since your perspective of your site appearance and pricing structure might not match the perspective of others.

A good website is crucial to becoming successful with Web marketing. Have a schedule for website testing to help find any link issues, graphic problems or bugs in general. People seldom purchase anything from a website that just does not work right.

Try not to create a website which is too flashy and distracting, while still looking attractive. Since you only have about 5 seconds to grab your customers attention, you need to create a site that makes your visitors want to stay longer. If you can?t accomplish this, chances are they?ll leave your website to find a better one.

Try asking for feedback from customers who don?t buy anything. Ask them what you can do to get their business. They may not have liked your copy, your guarantee or something else.

TIP! Your customers can be offered a subscription of things they purchase. If they buy one thing one month ask them if they want a discount to buy it every month.

You should consider supporting a charity. Select a cause that will most likely reflect your customers interests and agendas, and inform them that some of your profits are donated to that charity. This will allow you to market your business to a wide variety of customers and will help increase your image. If you want, support more than one charity and let customers choose which one they want to support.

Create a website adapted to your target audience. If you can offer customers what they expect, your marketing efforts are likely to be more rewarding. Solicit honest feedback about your website. You can even ask some of your online friends to check it out or ask for feedback from forum members. Engage in a lot of research in order to develop a site that truly has value for the people visiting it.

Take advantage of these hints and ensure that you are making positive strides toward maximum profits. The tips you have read above all touch on currently accepted and working methods of online marketing. If you want to be successful, make sure you?re willing to follow them.

TIP! Making and uploading a viral video and including tags in your video will aid in your internet marketing success. Also include a link to your site embedded in the video description.

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Source: http://www.maynaseric.com/things-that-you-can-do-to-achieve-internet-promotion-success

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Diagnosing Food Allergies ? Food Challenges | Learn the Secrets ...

National Jewish Health developed the gold standard for diagnosing food allergies, called the double blind food challenge. Many patients with food allergies are able to eat more than they think. For more information, visit www.njhealth.org.

Source: YouTube

This entry was posted in Health Tutorials and tagged Health, Health Videos, Videos. Bookmark the permalink.

Source: http://health-ful-hints.com/2012/12/17/diagnosing_food_allergies_-_food_challenges/

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Weekly World News Story Comes True as Eagle Flies Off With Baby in Canada

Nobody listened when the Weekly World News reported that an eagle had kidnapped a boy in Argentina last year, but now that it's happened "again" in Montreal, this time captured on video, there's no denying this is a thing that is possible. Fortunately, the bird let go before getting the kid too high off the ground, and it looked in the video like there was no serious injury. But as one Reddit commenter pointed out, that thick coat was sure a lucky wardrobe choice. Anyway, that kid is going to have an awesome story to tell on the first day of kindergarten.

Source: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2012/12/eagle-flies-off-with-baby-in-canada.html

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রবিবার, ১৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Blood pressure, smoking and alcohol: The health risks with the biggest global burden

Blood pressure, smoking and alcohol: The health risks with the biggest global burden

Friday, December 14, 2012

Over 9 million people died as a consequence of high blood pressure in 2010, making it the health risk factor with the greatest toll worldwide, say experts.

Smoking and alcohol use have also overtaken child hunger in the last two decades to become the second and third leading risks globally, according to a study estimating the disease burden attributable to 43 risk factors in 1990 and 2010.

The analysis was undertaken by an international consortium of scientists as part of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, which is published in The Lancettoday.

"Overall we're seeing a growing burden of risk factors that lead to chronic diseases in adults, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, and a decreasing burden for risks associated with infectious diseases in children," said Professor Majid Ezzati of the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, one of the study's senior authors. "But this global picture disguises the starkly different trends across regions. The risks associated with poverty have come down in most places, like Asia and Latin America, but they remain the leading issues in sub-Saharan Africa."

The researchers estimated both the number of deaths attributed to each risk factor and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), a unit that takes into account both years of life lost and years lived with disability.

"We looked at risk factors for which good data are available on how many people are exposed to the risks and how strong their effects are, so that our results can inform policy and programmatic choices," said Associate Professor Stephen Lim at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. IHME served as the coordinating center for GBD 2010.

The risk factor with the greatest increase in health burden was high body mass index (BMI), which was ranked 10th in 1990 and sixth in 2010. More than 3 million deaths in 2010 were attributable to excess body weight - more than three times as many as undernutrition. In Australasia and southern Latin America, high BMI ranked as the leading risk factor.

The harms of alcohol also rose sharply, becoming the leading risk factor in Eastern Europe, most of Latin America and southern sub-Saharan Africa and accounting for 4.9 million deaths worldwide in 2010.

Tobacco smoking, including second-hand smoke, was the risk factor with the biggest burden in western Europe and high-income North American countries, and accounted for 6.3 million deaths worldwide in 2010.

Dietary risk factors and physical inactivity collectively accounted for one tenth of DALYs in 2010, with the most prominent dietary risks being too much salt and not enough fruit.

The burden of household air pollution from burning solid fuels such as coal or wood for cooking fell noticeably, but not having clean cooking and heating fuels remains the leading risk in south Asia.

"The good news is there are lots of things we can do to reduce disease risk," Professor Ezzati said. "To bring down the burden of high blood pressure, we need to regulate the salt content of food, provide easier access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and strengthen primary healthcare services. Undernutrition has come down in the ranking because we've made a lot of progress in many parts of the world. This should encourage us to continue those efforts and to replicate that success in Africa, where it's still a major problem."


Imperial College London: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/press

Thanks to Imperial College London for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/125927/Blood_pressure__smoking_and_alcohol__The_health_risks_with_the_biggest_global_burden

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শনিবার, ১৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

What Chuck Hagel would, and wouldn't, bring to defense job

Republican Chuck Hagel, a former US senator with a strong independent streak, is now widely seen as the front-runner for the job of secretary of Defense.

Aside from having forged a friendship with President Obama, Mr. Hagel has several other assets that may play to his favor as the president reshapes his national security team for his second term.

For starters, senators would likely afford Hagel the sort of easy confirmation process that fellow lawmakers tend to accord one another.

Then, there's the 'R' after his name. In nominating a Republican, Mr. Obama would again demonstrate his commitment to bipartisanship, as he did by carrying former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates ? a Bush appointee ? over into his administration.

RECOMMENDED: Five ways events overseas could shape Obama's second term.

Next, Hagel is a military combat veteran. He served in Vietnam alongside his brother, who was a fellow platoon leader. Such experience is helpful for a potential Pentagon head serving in the wake of two decade-long wars, because he knows intimately the struggles of those returning from battle, longtime colleagues point out.

?Chuck Hagel has the experience as a combat veteran with two purple hearts and an understanding that the decisions that are made in Washington ultimately are carried out by young men and women across the globe,? Sen. Jack Reed (R) of Rhode Island and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told Politico. ?That is a very important intellectual, emotional asset.?

But the degree to which Hagel and Obama appear to be in sync on policy affecting the Pentagon may be what has moved him to the head of the line.

The two have long worked together, first as senators and lately in the president?s council of advisers, where Hagel serves as co-chairman of Obama?s Intelligence Advisory Board.

They forged a friendship due in large part to Hagel?s willingness to take on members of his own party. Hagel supported Obama?s 2008 presidential candidacy, and has asked tough questions about America?s wars. He opposed the invasion of Iraq, crossed party lines to call for an investigation into pre-war intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and even questioned Obama?s decision to surge troops into Afghanistan, comparing it with an increase of forces in Vietnam.

?It?s easy to get into war, not so easy to get out,? Hagel wrote in a 2009 opinion piece for the Washington Post. ?Accordingly, we cannot view US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan through a lens that sees only ?winning? or ?losing.? Iraq and Afghanistan are not America?s to win or lose,? he wrote. ?Win what? We can help them buy time or develop, but we cannot control their fates.?

Hagel is also known ? and reviled in some conservative circles ? for favoring US talks with Iran, as has Obama.

In a speech this week at the Atlantic Council, which Hagel directs, he pressed this case, without ever mentioning America?s arch-adversary directly. ?Engagement is not surrender. It?s not appeasement,? he told the assembled audience. Rather it is ?an opportunity to better understand? others.

America will need allies, too, he noted, because the conflicts of the future ?are beyond the control of any great power,? he argued, and unlikely to involve unilateral US action.

But perhaps his most vocal detractors are likely to come from advocates of Israel. The home page of the Atlantic Council, for example, features a critical piece on ?Israel?s Apartheid Policy.?

?While in the Senate, Hagel voted against designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist group, and consistently voted against sanctions on Iran for their illicit pursuit of nuclear weapons capability,? Josh Block, a former spokesman for the American Israel Pubic Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and president of the Israel Project, told The Daily Beat. ?It is a matter of fact that his record on these issues puts him well outside the mainstream Democratic and Republican consensus.?

Unlike current Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Hagel is also said to be rather unsympathetic to the Pentagon?s pleas of the pending insolvency it claims could come with sequestration, the series of $500 billion in mandatory cuts the Department of Defense faces if Congress doesn?t come up with another fiscal plan by Jan. 2.

?The Defense Department, I think, in many ways, has become bloated,? Hagel said in 2011. ?In many ways, I think the Pentagon needs to be pared down.?

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chuck-hagel-wouldnt-bring-job-defense-secretary-184755954.html

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EPA to tighten standards for soot pollution

WASHINGTON (AP) ? In its first major regulation since the election, the Obama administration on Friday imposed a new air quality standard that reduces by 20 percent the maximum amount of soot released into the air from smokestacks, diesel trucks and other sources of pollution.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson said the new standard will save thousands of lives each year and reduce the burden of illness in communities across the country, as people "benefit from the simple fact of being able to breathe cleaner air."

As a mother of two sons who have battled asthma, Jackson said she was pleased that "more mothers like me will be able to rest a little easier knowing their children, and their children's children, will have cleaner air to breathe for decades to come."

Announcement of the new standard met a court deadline in a lawsuit by 11 states and public health groups. The new annual standard is 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air, down from the current 15 micrograms per cubic meter.

The new soot standard has been highly anticipated by environmental and business groups, who have battled over whether it will protect public health or cause job losses.

Soot, or fine particulate matter, is made up of microscopic particles released from smokestacks, diesel trucks, wood-burning stoves and other sources and contributes to haze. Breathing in soot can cause lung and heart problems, contributing to heart attacks, strokes and asthma attacks.

Environmental groups and public health advocates welcomed the new standard, saying it will protect millions of Americans at risk for soot-related asthma attacks, lung cancer, heart disease and premature death.

Dr. Norman H. Edelman, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association, said a new standard will force the industry to clean up what he called a "lethal pollutant."

Reducing soot pollution "will prevent heart attacks and asthma attacks and will keep children out of the emergency room and hospitals," Edelman said in a statement. "It will save lives."

But congressional Republicans and industry officials called the new standard overly strict and said it could hurt economic growth and cause job losses in areas where pollution levels are determined to be too high.

Ross Eisenberg, vice president of the National Association of Manufacturers, said the new rule is "yet another costly, overly burdensome" regulation that is "out of sync" with President Barack Obama's executive order last year to streamline federal regulations.

The new rule will "place many promising new projects ?and the jobs they create ? into permit limbo," Eisenberg said.

Jackson and other administration officials said the new rule was based on a rigorous scientific review. Only 66 of more than 3,000 U.S. counties would fail to meet the proposed standard, which takes effect in 2014. All but seven counties should meet the proposed standard by 2020 with no additional actions needed beyond compliance with existing and pending rules set by the EPA, the official said.

The administration has said it will work with states and counties to ensure they can meet the new soot standards by 2020, when stronger enforcement of the rule is expected.

The Obama administration had sought to delay the new soot standards until after the November election, but a federal judge ordered officials to act sooner, and the administration released a draft proposed rule in June.


Reach Matthew Daly on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatthewDalyWDC

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/epa-tighten-standards-soot-pollution-155845625.html

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Car Financing Pitfalls And Solutions

Engaging yourself in an auto loan is not often as smooth as it can be. There are instances wherein a person can experience problems or concerns about there auto loans. In this regard, it is extremely vital for us to know some of the car financing pitfalls and solutions to keep us ready from any of hose issues. Having an idea and knowing how to combat them is better than being caught off guard. Just as the saying ???prevention is better than cure???, same is true with car financing deals. Knowing how to prevent pitfalls will keep us away from future problems.

Here are some of the most common pitfall as well as their solution:

1. Some people who apply for an auto loan doesn???t have any idea of their credit score. They fail to realize that many car finance companies out there make this as their number one requirement. Unlike Michigan Car Finance who doesn???t care about the client???s credit standing, they will still help them in getting a car of their dreams.
???Solution: Before applying for an auto loan, acquire a copy of your credit score. If there are any errors, you have to notify the three credit report agencies of the factual information. This is necessary because the result of your credit report will be the basis of your loan terms.

2. There are car buyers who are not wise when it comes to handling their finances. They tend to overspend on car deals.
???Solution: Always set a certain limit or price range in all of your car finance deals. Before heading to a car dealer, make a simple computation of your monthly income less deductions, and check out how much you are willing to sacrifice for your car finance in Michigan. Do not go beyond 20% of your net income.

3. Know all of the existing car interest rates in your area. Most car buyers do not do this.
???Solution: Check out online and see about the current interest rates in your community. This will ensure that the car finance company is giving you a great deal.

4. Many of us are not even aware of the available financing options; do not go to the car dealer without having this information.
???Solution: Get yourself a no- obligation loan from the dealer. This will save you tons of money.

5. There are instances wherein the buyer does not even care to read the contract thoroughly.
???Solution: Read the contract carefully. Take your time! Read the fine prints. Read every detail.
Aside from these pitfalls, there are so much more to learn about entering a car finance deal. Whatever concern it is, we need to conceptualize, check, and understand everything before finally closing the deal. Michigan Car Finance can help you in this regard. They have friendly assistants who are ready to assist you, apply for your dream car now!

Source: http://www.workoninternet.com/business/home-business-small-business/miscellaneous/221302-article.html

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Does lack of interest in relationships equate to immaturity? - Love ...

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Does lack of interest in relationships equate to immaturity?
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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

Joined: Sep 18, 2009
Age: 19
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:58 pm?? ?Post subject: Does lack of interest in relationships equate to immaturity? Reply with quote

Well, I'm a 19 year male in second year college. Pretty much everyone I know is all worked up about dating, or at least hooking up, with girls. I, on the other hand, fail to see why everyone is so interested in dating and sex. Can anyone explain to my why people want these things so badly? Also, does it make me "immature" for having almost zero interest in girls?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:02 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Not at all. You are you, and as long as you are comfortable with who you are...that's fundamental to your happiness. I'm sure the desire will kick in at some point. Even if it doesn't? So be it. Smile
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